The following is an unofficial translation (by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine) of three excerpts from Billy Meier's book Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit (A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom). Translated August 26th, 2008



(Page 5. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


Sadness is a psychic emotion against which the human should become very largely immune and which he should neither love nor respect, even if the majority of humanity considers it favorably and considers it to be of primary importance in the expression of feelings.


However, as a result of this, life itself, as well as the human's conscience, knowledge, consciousness, virtues and love, only becomes artificially embellished in order to evade the real processing of the facts and the actual moments of having to process certain occurrences and events, and to not have to confront them in appropriate contexts which acknowledge the truth.


In this way the sadness degrades into wretchedness, which works against all insightfulness and therefore makes recognition and grasping of the real facts impossible.


Through this emerges a state of giving up on a situation or matter and so forth which engenders suffering, which ought to be mastered and thereby also understood, but which leads, as a result of wrong ways of thinking and thereby also the wrong engendering of feelings, to a psychic debacle which ends in extensive sadness and leads to the abolition of all reason, and leads to confusion.


Only the human who has already overcome sadness in its basic characteristics and converts it into controllable thoughts and feelings which no longer permit any kind of degeneration, and which are adapted to the creational-natural laws, is able to realize the moment of recognizing and grasping the real truth of love in all Creation-given things, in order Ð in understanding the given creational-natural laws and directives Ð to recognize that afflictions indeed can occur from time to time, but that they should not extend to sadness, rather to the recognition, comprehension

and understanding of things and of life, as well as to joy, because sadness actually only comes about from selfishness as well as from turning away from the joy of existence, therefore also, however, from not understanding

and not wanting to understand the matters, and the laws and directives, of life.


Consequently these facts only need to be grasped and made to conform with the correct norms in order to master sadness in certain moments and in order to have a positive attitude towards life, joy and love.



In Praise of Love, Truth and Wisdom

(Page 80. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


When one finds effective, true love, truth and wisdom, then one recognizes with astonishment, that in all their essence and forms they are very simple.


Nevertheless, directly because of this simplicity, the human does not want to know anything about them nor about all their meaning and value, because, what is simple, so he thinks, is worth nothing, is of no significance and is not precious.


True love, truth and wisdom, so he believes, are only valuable when a high price must be paid in order to acquire them and when they cannot be grasped nor understood even in their fundamentals, and are complicated.


And if it is brought home to him - the human - that true love, truth and wisdom, as the most precious of all goods, are free, and can be obtained simply through the power of clear and reasonable thinking, then he wonders and asks, how come everything can be obtained in such a simple way, since the teaching of religions, philosophies and diverse ideologies would indeed show that everything is quite unfathomable and, in its deepest sense, inexplicable.


And the human is so strongly imprisoned and deeply rooted in this erroneous delusion that he rejects the simplicity of true love, truth and wisdom from the start without conceding it even a tiny chance of the still existing possibility.


And it is this delusion, which also bears the blame for the human seeking the preciousness of true love, truth and wisdom in completely abstruse, complicated and involved things which are completely foreign to the objects of the search and which lead to terror and confusion.


And in this delusion he is moved in his belief and in the false love, truth and wisdom, which are conjured up for him by the false, erroneous and confused teachings.


So the human loses himself in confused, worthless things, which are brought to him and are hammered in by the religions, philosophies and other ideologies and which make his head so full that he is no longer able to distinguish between reality and that which is imaginary.


Nevertheless, however, the humans fill themselves with false joy, even when they only understand very little, or not the slightest, of the entire erroneous and confused teaching since that which is brought to them is extremely confusing, contradicts itself, is illogical and without content.


But, nonetheless, the humans believe that the erroneous and confused teachings, which are made accessible to them are still "rich, profound, powerful and instructive words" from which true love, truth and wisdom come forth which simply can be appropriated without having to be intensively learnt and without having to change their attitude and world of



The erroneous and confused teaching in which the human loses himself, and which he can never fathom in its real content, causes him to believe everything is simply given, sent and laid in his lap by a divinity or other higher power, consequently that he simply needs to effortlessly accept

these gifts in order to come to know real, true love, truth and wisdom.


But the reality, that everything must be worked out consciously and through learning, is lost in the current of ignorance, as is also the fact that true love, truth and wisdom are easy and simple to obtain and without high material

values, respectively, without money, and so forth, if they are really and consciously sought for and the step of learning is taken.


Ultimately, everything is anchored, first and foremost, in the innermost, creational being as an indestructible good, and, in this, in the deepest foundation of the consciousness, this fact is also consciously and constantly extant. Only due to the obstinacy of the human does this fact

appear to be too cheap to give it heed, to accept it and to make it useful.


Rather, the human tends to seek his wellbeing and salvation in erroneous and confused teaching of often extremely banal and un-understandable form because he also imagines, on the other hand, to thereby know more and be more important and respectable in comparison to others.


That is easier than seeking the true values and putting them into practice.


But it is also easy to know something about love, truth and wisdom, yet for uncommonly many humans it is extremely difficult to make these values a component of their personality and their lives because they turn away from

this and refuse to live these values.


However, it is not simply done by having a certain knowledge in regard to true love, truth and wisdom, rather the human must possess these profound values and therefore be able to call them his own and he must

experience, live and fulfill these, because only this way can they be actualized through the personality and through life.



Doubt as a Shortcoming

(p.208. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


The maintenance of doubt has, in no way, anything to do with a healthy, logical and knowledge-demanding search for truth, because doubt is always symptomatic of a prevailing deficit in regard to clear vision and clear recognition through which the effective facts of things, connections and realities, which are brought together in basic truth, are recognized.


The truth itself, however, rests in the recognition of the nature of that which is factual and thereby in the nature of effective reality.


If clear vision and clear recognition are consciously and appropriately exercised and extensively realized, then every trace of doubt disappears because now the complete reality is seen and recognized and, with it, the fundamental, actual truth.


Yet until the human obtains this clear view and clear recognition, which he has to develop through hard, evolution-promoting work, he will be unable to avoid being subject to doubts because doubts signify a fundamental activity of the developing personality, respectively, of the still ignorant material consciousness which strives for true knowledge and real truth.


But doubt has to be displaced by means of obtained knowledge and recognized truth if progress relating to the consciousness is to be achieved.


However, that can only be created through an appropriate clear vision and clear recognition through which truth and efficacy are recognized and understood.


But the way to that is not easy and is paved with doubts which, however, may not simply be forcefully oppressed, nor should they be indulged in.


Rather they must be demolished and dissolved through an appropriate clear vision and clear recognition.



Note: The following contains the side-by-side original German language text for comparison with the English translation.


The following is an unofficial translation (by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine) of three excerpts from Billy Meier's book Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit (A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom). Translated August 26th, 2008



(Seit 5. Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit)



(Page 5. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


Die Traurigkeit ist eine Psychebewegung, gegen die der Mensch weitestge_hend gefeit sein und die er weder lieben noch achten sollte, auch wenn das Gros der Menschheit diese wohlwollend und im Ausdruck der GefŸhle als vorrangig erachtet.


Sadness is a psychic emotion against which the human should become very largely immune and which he should neither love nor respect, even if the majority of humanity considers it favorably and considers it to be of primary importance in the expression of feelings.


Damit werden jedoch nur das Leben selbst sowie das Gewissen, das Wissen, das Bewusstsein, die Tugenden und die Liebe des Menschen kŸnstlich geschmŸckt, um der reellen Verarbeitung der Tatsachen und der gegebenen Momente des Verarbeitenmussens gewisser Vor_kommnisse und Geschehen auszuweichen und diesen nicht in angemesse_nem und wahrheitserkennendem Rahmen entgegentreten zu mŸssen.


However, as a result of this, life itself, as well as the human's conscience, knowledge, consciousness, virtues and love, only becomes artificially embellished in order to evade the real processing of the facts and the actual moments of having to process certain occurrences and events, and to not have to confront them in appropriate contexts which acknowledge the truth.


So degradiert sich die Traurigkeit selbst zu einer ErbŠrmlichkeit, die jeder Einsichtigkeit entgegenwirkt und daher ein Erkennen und Erfassen der wirklichen Tatsachen verunmšglicht.


In this way the sadness degrades into wretchedness, which works against all insightfulness and therefore makes recognition and grasping of the real facts impossible.


Dadurch entsteht ein Zustand des Ausgeliefertseins an eine

leiderzeugende Situation oder Sache usw., die es grundlegend zu beherrschen und damit auch zu verstehen gilt, die jedoch infolge des falschen Denkens, und damit auch der falschen GefŸhlserzeugung, zu einem Psychedebakel fŸhrt, das in umfassender Traurigkeit endet und alle Vernunft zum Nichtsein und in die Wirrnis fŸhrt.


Through this emerges a state of giving up on a situation or matter and so forth which engenders suffering, which ought to be mastered and thereby also understood, but which leads, as a result of wrong ways of thinking and thereby also the wrong engendering of feelings, to a psychic debacle which ends in extensive sadness and leads to the abolition of all reason, and leads to confusion.


Nur der Mensch, der die Traurigkeit bereits in ihren GrundzŸgen besiegt hat und sie zu kontrollierbaren Gedanken und GefŸhlen macht, die keiner_lei Ausartung mehr zulassen und die sich den Gesetzen des

Schšpferisch-NatŸrlichen einordnen, vermag den Moment des Erkennens und Erfassens der wirklichen Wahrheit der Liebe in allem Schšpfungsgegebenen zu reali_sieren, um im Verstehen der gegebenen schšpferisch-natŸrlichen Gesetze und Gebote zu erkennen, dass BetrŸbliches wohl von Zeit zu Zeit gegeben sein kann, dass dieses jedoch nicht zur Traurigkeit, sondern zum Erken_nen, Erfassen und Verstehen der Dinge und des Lebens sowie zur Freude gereichen soll.


Only the human who has already overcome sadness in its basic characteristics and converts it into controllable thoughts and feelings which no longer permit any kind of degeneration, and which are adapted to the creational-natural laws, is able to realize the moment of recognizing and grasping the real truth of love in all Creation-given things, in order Ð in understanding the given creational-natural laws and directives Ð to recognize that afflictions indeed can occur from time to time, but that they should not extend to sadness, rather to the recognition, comprehension

and understanding of things and of life, as well as to joy, because sadness actually only comes about from selfishness as well as from turning away from the joy of existence, therefore also, however, from not understanding

and not wanting to understand the matters, and the laws and directives, of life.


Denn tatsŠchlich entsteht Traurigkeit nur aus einer Selbst_sucht sowie aus einer Abwendung von der Freude zum Dasein, so aber auch aus dem Nichtverstehen und Nichtverstehenwollen der Dinge und der Gesetze und

Gebote des Lebens, folglich diese Fakten nur erfasst und in die richtigen Normen gebracht werden mŸssen, um der Traurigkeit in ge_wissen Momenten Herr zu werden und um das Leben, die Freude und die Liebe zu bejahen.


Consequently these facts only need to be grasped and made to conform with the correct norms in order to master sadness in certain moments and in order to have a positive attitude towards life, joy and love.



Preis der Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit

(Seite 80. Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit)


In Praise of Love, Truth and Wisdom

(Page 80. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


Findet man die effective, wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit, dann erkennt man mit Erstaunen, dass sie in allen ihren Belangen und Formen sehr einfach sind.


When one finds effective, true love, truth and wisdom, then one recognizes with astonishment, that in all their essence and forms they are very simple.


Doch gerade infolge dieser Einfachheit will der Mensch von ihnen und ihrem ganzen Sinn und Wert nichts wissen, denn, so denkt er, was einfach ist, sei nichts wert, nichts von Bedeutung und keine Kostbarkeit.


Nevertheless, directly because of this simplicity, the human does not want to know anything about them nor about all their meaning and value, because, what is simple, so he thinks, is worth nothing, is of no significance and is not precious.


Wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit, so glaubt er, seien nur dann wertvoll, wenn zu deren Erwerb ein hoher Preis bezahlt werden mŸsse und wenn sie nicht bis in deren Grundlagen begriffen und verstanden werden kšnnten und kompliziert seien.


True love, truth and wisdom, so he believes, are only valuable when a high price must be paid in order to acquire them and when they cannot be grasped nor understood even in their fundamentals, and are complicated.


Und wird ihm, dem Menschen, nahegebracht, dass wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit als kostbarste aller GŸter unentgeltlich sind und einfach durch die Kraft klaren und vernŸnftigen Denkens erlangt werden kšnnen, dann

wundert er sich und fragt, wie es denn komme, dass alles auf so einfache Weise erlangt werden kšnne, denn die Lehren der Religionen, Philosophien und diverser Ideologien wŸrden doch beweisen, dass alles recht unergrŸndlich und in seinem tiefsten Sinn nicht erklŠrbar sei.


And if it is brought home to him - the human - that true love, truth and wisdom, as the most precious of all goods, are free, and can be obtained simply through the power of clear and reasonable thinking, then he wonders and asks, how come everything can be obtained in such a simple way, since the teaching of religions, philosophies and diverse ideologies would indeed show that everything is quite unfathomable and, in its deepest sense, inexplicable.


Und in diesem irren Wahn ist der Mensch derart stark gefangen und verwurzelt, dass er die Einfachheit der wahren Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit von vornherein ablehnt, ohne ihr auch nur eine winzige Chance der doch bestehenden Mšglichkeit einzurŠumen.


And the human is so strongly imprisoned and deeply rooted in this erroneous delusion that he rejects the simplicity of true love, truth and wisdom from the start without conceding it even a tiny chance of the still existing possibility.


Und dieser Wahn ist es auch, der Schuld daran trŠgt, dass der Mensch die Kostbarkeiten wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit in všllig abstrusen, komplizierten und verwickelten Dingen sucht, die den GegenstŠnden der Suche všllig fremd sind und die in die Irre und Wirrnis fŸhren.


And it is this delusion which also bears the blame for the human seeking the preciousness of true love, truth and wisdom in completely abstruse, complicated and involved things which are completely foreign to the objects of the search and which lead to error and confusion.


Und in diesem Wahn bewegt er sich in seinem Glauben und in der falschen Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit, die ihm durch die falschen, irren und wirren Lehren vorgegaukelt werden.


And in this delusion he is moved in his belief and in the false love, truth and wisdom, which are conjured up for him by the false, erroneous and confused teachings.


So hŠngt der Mensch wirren Unwerten nach, die ihm durch Religionen, Philosophien und sonstige Ideologien entgegengebracht und eingebleut werden und die ihm den Kopf derart voll machen, dass er nicht mehr zwischen RealitŠt und IrrealitŠt zu unterscheiden vermag.


So the human loses himself in confused, worthless things which are brought to him and are hammered in by the religions, philosophies and other ideologies and which make his head so full that he is no longer able to distinguish between reality and that which is imaginary.


Dessen ungeachtet jedoch erfŸllen sich die Menschen mit falscher Freude, auch wenn sie von den ganzen irren und wirren Lehren nur sehr wenig oder nicht das mindeste verstehen, weil das ihnen Dargebrachte Šusserst verwirrend, sich widersprechend, unlogisch und inhaltslos ist.


Nevertheless, however, the humans fill themselves with false joy, even when they only understand very little, or not the slightest, of the entire erroneous and confused teaching since that which is brought to them is extremely confusing, contradicts itself, is illogical and without content.


Dessen ungeachtet glauben die Menschen aber, dass die ihnen nahegebrachten irren und wirren Lehren doch Çgehaltvolle, tiefgreifende, kraftvolle und belehrende WorteÈ seien, aus denen wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit hervorgingen, die einfach angeeignet werden kšnnten, ohne

dass dabei intensiv gelernt und die Einstellung und Gedankenwelt geŠndert werden mŸsse.


But, nonetheless, the humans believe that the erroneous and confused teachings, which are made accessible to them are still "rich, profound, powerful and instructive words" from which true love, truth and wisdom come forth which simply can be appropriated without having to be intensively learnt and without having to change their attitude and world of



Die irren und wirren Lehren, denen der Mensch nachhŠngt und die er niemals in ihrem wirklichen Gehalt ergrŸnden kann, machen ihn glauben, dass ihm von einer Gottheit oder sonstigen hšheren Macht einfach alles gegeben, geschenkt und in den Schoss gelegt werde, folglich er mŸhelos diesen Gaben einfach Folge zu leisten brauche, um wirkliche, wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit zu erfahren.


The erroneous and confused teaching in which the human loses himself, and which he can never fathom in its real content, causes him to believe everything is simply given, sent and laid in his lap by a divinity or other higher power, consequently that he simply needs to effortlessly accept

these gifts in order to come to know real, true love, truth and wisdom.


Was aber Wirklichkeit ist, dass alles bewusst und durch Lernen erarbeitet werden muss, das geht im Strom der Unwissenheit verloren, ebenso aber auch die Tatsache, dass wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit leicht und

einfach und ohne hohe materielle Werte resp. ohne Geld usw. zu erlangen sind, wenn wirklich und bewusst danach gesucht und der Schritt des Erlernens getan wird.


But the reality, that everything must be worked out consciously and through learning, is lost in the current of ignorance, as is also the fact that true love, truth and wisdom are easy and simple to obtain and without high material

values, respectively, without money, and so forth, if they are really and consciously sought for and the step of learning is taken.


Letztlich ist alles in erster Linie im innersten, schšpferischen Wesen als unzerstšrbares Gut verankert, und im tiefsten Grund des Bewusstseins ist diesem diese Tatsache auch bewusst und stŠndig gegenwŠrtig - nur der Eigensinnigkeit des Menschen scheint diese Tatsache zu billig zu sein, um

ihr Beachtung zu schenken, sie zu akzeptieren und sie sich nutzbar zu machen.


Ultimately, everything is anchored, first and foremost, in the innermost, creational being as an indestructible good, and, in this, in the deepest foundation of the consciousness, this fact is also consciously and constantly extant. Only due to the obstinacy of the human does this fact appear to be too cheap to give it heed, to accept it and to make it useful.


Lieber tendiert der Mensch dazu, sein Wohl und Heil in irren und wirren Lehren oft Šusserst banaler sowie unverstŠndiger Form zu suchen, weil er sich anderweitig auch einbildet, dadurch mehr zu wissen und anderen gegenŸber wichtiger und angesehener zu sein.


Rather, the human tends to seek his wellbeing and salvation in erroneous and confused teaching of often extremely banal and un-understandable form because he also imagines, on the other hand, to thereby know more and be more important and respectable in comparison to others.


Das ist leichter, als die wahren Werte zu suchen und diese zu verwirklichen.


That is easier than seeking the true values and putting them into practice.


Es ist aber auch leicht, einiges um die Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit zu wissen, doch fŠllt es ungemein vielen Menschen Šusserst schwer, diese Werte zum Bestandteil ihrer Persšnlichkeit und ihres Lebens zu machen, weil sie sich davon abwenden und sich weigern, diese Werte zu leben.


But it is also easy to know something about love, truth and wisdom, yet for uncommonly many humans it is extremely difficult to make these values a component of their personality and their lives because they turn away from

this and refuse to live these values.


Nicht ist es aber damit getan, einfach eine gewisse Kenntnis in bezug auf die wahre Liebe, Wahrheit und Weisheit zu haben, sondern der Mensch muss diese tiefgreifenden Werte besitzen und also sein eigen nennen kšnnen, und er muss diese erfahren, erleben und erfŸllen, denn nur so

kšnnen sie sich durch die Persšnlichkeit und durch das Leben verwirklichen.


However, it is not simply done by having a certain knowledge in regard to true love, truth and wisdom, rather the human must possess these profound values and therefore be able to call them his own and he must

experience, live and fulfill these, because only this way can they be actualized through the personality and through life.



Zweifel als Mangel

(Seit 208. Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit)


Doubt as a Shortcoming

(Page 208. A Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom)


Wenn Zweifel gehegt werden, dann haben diese in keiner Weise etwas mit einer gesunden, logischen und wissenheischenden Suche nach Wahrheit zu tun, denn Zweifel sind stets ein Symptom dessen, dass ein Mangel

herrscht in bezug auf die Klarsicht und Klarerkennung, durch die die effectiven Tatsachen von Dingen, ZusammenhŠngen und Wirklichkeiten erkannt werden, die zu_sammengefasst sind in der grundsŠtzlichen Wahrheit.


The maintenance of doubt has, in no way, anything to do with a healthy, logical and knowledge-demanding search for truth, because doubt is always symptomatic of a prevailing deficit in regard to clear vision and clear recognition through which the effective facts of things, connections and

realities, which are brought together in basic truth, are recognized.


Die Wahrheit selbst aber beruht in der Erkenntnis der Natur des TatsŠchlichen und damit in der Natur der effectiven Wirklichkeit.


The truth itself, however, rests in the recognition of the nature of that which is factual and thereby in the nature of effective reality.


Werden die Klarsicht und Klarerkennung bewusst und massgebend geŸbt und vollumfŠnglich verwirklicht, dann schwindet jede Spur eines Zweifels dahin, weil eben die volle Wirklichkeit und damit die grundlegende, tatsŠchliche Wahrheit gesehen und erkannt werden.


If clear vision and clear recognition are consciously and appropriately exercised and extensively realized then every trace of doubt disappears because now the complete reality is seen and recognised and, with it, the fundamental, actual truth.


Doch bis der Mensch diese Klarsicht und Klarerkennung erlangt, die er sich evolutiv hart erarbeiten muss, wird es fŸr ihn unvermeidlich sein, Zweifeln zu unterliegen, denn zweifeln bedeutet eine fundamentale AktivitŠt der sich

entwickelnden Persšnlichkeit resp. des noch unwissenden und nach wahrem Wissen und wirklicher Wahrheit strebenden materiellen Bewusstseins.


Yet until the human obtains this clear view and clear recognition, which he has to develop through hard, evolution-promoting work, he will be unable to avoid being subject to doubts because doubts signify a fundamental activity of the developing personality, respectively, of the still ignorant material consciousness which strives for true knowledge and real truth.


Zweifel mŸssen aber durch erlangtes Wissen und erkannte Wahrheit ausgerŠumt werden, wenn ein bewusstseinsmŠssiger Fortschritt errungen werden will.


But doubt has to be displaced by means of obtained knowledge and recognized truth if progress relating to the consciousness is to be achieved.


Das jedoch ist nur zu schaffen durch eine massgebende Klarsicht und Klarerkennung, durch die Wahrheit und EffectivitŠt erkannt und verstanden werden.


However, that can only be created through an appropriate clear vision and clear recognition through which truth and efficacy are recognized and understood.


Der Weg dahin ist jedoch nicht leicht und mit Zweifeln belegt, die jedoch nicht einfach gewaltsam unterdrŸckt werden dŸrfen oder in denen geschwelgt werden soll, sondern sie mŸssen durch eine massgebende

Klarsicht und Klarerkennung abgebaut und aufgelšst werden.


But the way to that is not easy and is paved with doubts which, however, may not simply be forcefully oppressed, nor should they be indulged in.


Rather they must be demolished and dissolved through an appropriate clear vision and clear recognition.