Danger of Collision with the Red Meteor!



Despite an abundance of specific, prophetically accurate information about coming events, many people have asked that Billy Meier provide even more. Some want to satisfy their curiosity, or to just have more thought provoking information to ponder, Others want to keep raising the bar, so to speak, demanding always more information as evidence of MeierÕs authenticity and accuracy, but failing to either understand, acknowledge or act on that which was previously given.


So the following information should meet the needs of everyone, the mere curiosity seekers, the genuine truth seekers, and the governmental and military personnel that monitor this website for information.


The first information below is a new translation, direct from FIGU in Switzerland, that has not been published before. Following this translation is the text of

Contact #150, from October 10, 1981, which I first had in my possession and

read in 1986.


The official discovery of the object now called Apophis was on June 19, 2004

(see: http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=apophis+discovered&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)


Please note that this has nothing to do with the fictitious Planet X now being discussed in New Age circles.


The Meier prophecies containing this information of course predate the ÒofficialÓ discovery by over 22 years. The real question is, will the scientists and governmental leaders do anything to heed and prepare for this event, so that it doesnÕt have to occur?


And, of course, will you do anything to spread the information, to direct it to responsible parties, leaders, etc. Ð or were you justÉcurious?


Michael Horn




475th contact between Ptaah and Billy


(Excerpt from page 3486 of the original notes; see original *German text below)



Billy:  Regarding the Red Meteor that endangers Earth on the 13th April 2029 and of which we have already

spoken on the 16th of September, I have been asked about certain things and, therefore, would like to know how

big that bloke is.


To my knowledge the terrestrial astronomers have already detected it for quite some time and are calling it 

Apophis or something.


It shall either hit Earth in the year 2029, or only whiz past by very closely.


If the second version should occur, it (the meteor) would reappear in the year 2036, and its close approach to

Earth could really lead to a catastrophe if the scientists are doing nothing against it.


Ptaah:  ItÕs size is about 350 metres.


What you are saying regarding the great danger that the Red Meteor represents to Earth: the scientists know

about it.


And if there will be no special influence by the outer SOL ÒtrabantsÓ (note by the translator: objects circling around

and at great distance from our sun), a catastrophe is really threatening Earth.


In order to avoid it the terrestrial scientists are also urged to undertake everything conceivable to finally push the

meteor from its orbit.


Billy:  To my knowledge certain models exist, but the scientists cannot come to an agreement with each other.


You are saying that the fellow shall be pushed from its orbit, and I gather from it that blowing it up is out of the



Therefore, only a reaction principle could be applied, like e.g. an extremely strong nuclear reaction unit, sun sail

principles, or atomic explosions near the meteor.


Ptaah:  Whereby atomic explosions near the meteor should be especially considered, because they are very

efficient and are producing a strong drift(ing) effect.


However, the explosions may not occur too close to the meteor in order to avoid the breaking up, from which an

even greater danger would result.


Such a project must be executed early and not at that time when the real danger is starting to threaten, because

otherwise it would be too late for a success.


Working towards it must be started today.


Billy:  And what about big reaction units and sun sail principles?


Ptaah:  Those are possibilities, but they are much more difficult to carry out, and the necessary effectiveness is questionable; besides, they are not to be recommended and efficient because meteors are unstable with regard to

a regular self-position which makes the application of any effective reaction units and sun sails etc. nearly



Billy: Those things have to be profoundly thought about by the scientists.


Ptaah: ThatÕs really so, but time presses.



Translated by CF 24th January, 2009


Here is the is the text of Contact #150, from October 10, 1981, mentioned above, which was published in German and English well before the object was discovered. I have taken the step to emphasize certain words with the hope, again, that those scientific, governmental and military intelligence parties who monitor the Meier material, on this site as well as others, will take the information to heart, if for no other reason than their selfish desire to perpetuate their own interests, undisturbed by an inconvenient cataclysm.



From Contact #150, Dated October 10, 1981





489. The meteor mentioned in the prophecies, which proves to be of enormous size and will cause most severe destructions on the Earth, and which threatens to bring, aside from climatic and tectonic changes, also additional changes, will threaten to split the crust of the Earth from the present-day North Sea down to the Black Sea which, however, does not have to occur with absolute certainty, because certain factors speak against this; it approaches from the depths of outer space towards the SOL-system and is a so-called stranger.


Billy: You mean, that this does not refer to a known comet, which again and again passes our system on its path?




490. That is correct, because the meteor travels on a path, which leads it to the SOL-system for the first time.


491. At earlier times, it was never in this area of space.


Billy: And its path shall end on the Earth?  Could you not do anything about this?




492. You know very well, that this will be the case and that we are not allowed to halt this event.


493. The cosmic powers have pre-programmed this event, which could only be stopped or prevented by Earth humanity themselves.


494.In their materialistic and misled disunity and in their megalomania, however, they disregard all warnings and prophecies, so that the event inevitably has to happen, as warning and as vengeance, if you want to see it that way; and as this warning and vengeance must occur, we are not allowed to take any steps in order to prevent the occurrence.


495. Earth humanity should listen to your words and warnings, but that especially they do not do.


496. You stand in a lost position, like one calling in the wilderness, and only few are and will be willing to listen to your words, to grasp their meaning, to reflect about them and to learn how to act correctly.


497. Those who will not listen will find death in exchange, when the meteor begins its work of death and creates a new continent, due to an enormous crack of the Earth, from the North Sea to the Black Sea, from which will spew forth red hot lava, if the prophecy should be fulfilled in its entire proportions which, however, has not been determined in its final consequence. . .




502. In reference to the event to be expected, and already told you, that this one will part the land portion between the North Sea and the Black Sea.


503. Red hot lava masses and Earth gas etc. will, in addition, create from it a deadly sulphurous wall which, drifting westward, will cover the land and with that creates an additional death-zone, if the prophecy should actually be fulfilled in its entirely, and if Earth humanity does not undertake something in unison to stop it.


Billy: Aha, that was also stated in one of the prophecies. But is there not the slightest possibility, that you could yet prevent something?




504. Your questions is rather illogical, my friend, on the other hand, we try very well to be helpful to Earth Man, in that we make these approaching horrors and events visible to many sensitives by visions, and also include you in these visions.


505. Unfortunately, however, all these sensitive ones, Earth humans, who are receiving corresponding vision-impulses from us, are always involved in some type of error religion, so they are not able to recognize us, and they attribute the visions they receive from us to some godhoods or cosmic world directors etc., although such figures and powers in truth only exist in the religiously misled minds of Earth humanity. . .



*Original German text for 475th contact between Ptaah and Billy:


Billy:  ... BezŸglich des Roten Meteors, der am 13. April 2029 die Erde gefŠhrdet und von dem wir bereits am 16. September gesprochen haben, da wurde ich nach einigen Dingen gefragt und mšchte daher wissen, wie gross der Kerl eigentlich in etwa ist.


Meines Wissen haben die irdischen Astronomen ihn auch schon vor geraumer Zeit entdeckt und nennen ihn Aprophis oder so.


Im Jahr 2029 soll er entweder die Erde treffen oder nur sehr knapp an ihr vorbeizischen.


Ptaah:  Seine Gršsse umfasst rund 350 Meter.


Was du sagst bezŸglich der grossen Gefahr, den der Rote Meteor fŸr de Erde darstellt, das ist den Wissenschaftlern bekannt.


Und wenn sich nicht etwas durch einen besonderen Einfluss der Šusseren SOL-Trabanten ergibt, dann droht der Erde tatsŠchlich eine Katastrophe.


Um diese zu vermeiden sind aber auch die irdischen Wissenschaftler angehalten, alles erdenklich Mšgliche zu unternehmen, um den Meteor endgŸltig aus seiner Bahn zu drŠngen.


Billy:  Meines Wissens existieren dazu diverse Modelle, doch kšnnen sich die Wissenschaftler nicht darŸber einigen.


Du sagst, dass der Geselle aus seiner Bahn gedrŠngt werden soll, woraus ich entnehme, dass Sprengen also nicht in Frage kommt.


Also kšnnte nur ein RŸckstossprinzip Anwendung finden, wie z.B. ein ungeheuer starkes atomares RŸckstossaggregat, Sonnensegelprinzipe oder atomare Explosionen in der NŠhe des Meteors.


Ptaah:  Wobei besonders nahe des Meteors atomare Explosionen in Betracht gezogen werden sollten, weil diese sehr effizient sind und bei solchen Objekten einen grossen Driftungseffekt erzeugen.


Die Explosionen dŸrfen jedoch nicht zu nahe des Meteors stattfinden, damit nicht eine ZerstŸckelung erfolgt, durch die eine noch gršssere Gefahr entstŸnde.


Ein solches Vorhaben muss jedoch schon frŸhzeitig durchgefŸhrt werden und nicht erst dann, wenn die wirkliche Gefahr zu drohen beginnt, weil sonst kaum noch ein Erfolg gegeben sein kann.


Es mŸsste also bereits heute daraufhin gearbeitet werden.


Billy:  Und was ist mit grossen RŸckstossaggregaten und Sonnensegelprinzipen?


Ptaah:  Auch das sind Mšglichkeiten, doch sind diese sehr viel schwieriger durchzufŸhren und in ihrer notwendigen Wirksamkeit fraglich, und zudem sind sie in bezug auf ihr Effizienz nicht besonders empfehlenswert, weil Meteore in bezug auf eine gleichmŠssige Eigenposition unbestŠndig sind, sondern eine Eigenrotation aufweisen, durch die das Anbringen von wirksamen RŸckstossaggregaten und Sonnensegeln usw. so gut wie verunmšglicht wird.


Billy:  Diese Dinge mŸssen von den Wissenschaftlern also noch grŸndlich bedacht werden.


Ptaah:  Das ist tatsŠchlich so, doch die Zeit dazu eilt.