Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam

...just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions

The following is a translation of Billy's second article appearing in FIGU's Special Bulletin, Number 53, June 2010.

Islamistic terrorists do not represent Islam,just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions.

As a human being, born Eduard Albert Meier, named “Billy”, BEAM, and Sheik Muhammed
and so forth, I had certainly, already from childhood, gained a good insight into
Christianity as well as into Islam and into the other religions as well as into many of their sects,
whereby I have, however, assumed and maintained a completely neutral position, over my entire
life, for myself and my thoughts, feelings and views, as well as opinions.

Fundamentally, according to Islam, I am a religious non-believer and, from the perspective of
Christianity, a heretic and atheist, or, from a different and sectarian perspective, one who is lost
and a candidate for Hell and so forth, because I distance myself from all religious and sectarian

As a result, I have not succumbed to the God delusion, which is hammered, in an indoctrinating
manner, into the believers, through the false teachings of religions and all their sects.

For these abovementioned reasons I am also able, in a neutral way, to correctly judge things
which are actually, or seemingly, associated with belief, religion and sectarianism.

This is the case, for example, in regard to Islamistic terrorism, whereby this Islamism has no
relationship whatsoever with actual Islam. It is based, instead, on a wrongly steered and
completely degenerated fanaticism.

Unfortunately, it is the case that, wherever terrorist acts occur, these are immediately associated
with Islam, as they also are with other religions, however, and indeed, depending on which religion the terrorists belong to in each instance.

In the present time it is primarily Islam which is the target of abusive insults from people.

This is exactly what occurs when terrorist acts are committed by fanatical Islamists.

Terrorist Islamists have, however, nothing to do with Islam in the way that they represent it,
because truly they are degenerated religious fanatics, who interpret the Qur'an and Islam which
results from it, according to their own criminal judgement, in their own fanatical favour, in order to
be able to spread boundless murder, killing death and destruction.

As a result of this wrongdoing by the fanatical Islamistic terrorists, who have succumbed to
delusion, their crimes are only too quickly and too willingly brought into association with Islam.

On one hand, however, this has nothing at all to do with it, and on the other hand, the fanatical,
Islamistic terrorists are not genuine Muslims, but are rather only shabby creatures who quite
intentionally use Islam as a pretext for their degenerations of their murderous and criminal

In this way Islam, again and again, gets into the headlines of the public media as a result of new
terrorist atrocities and crimes, which naturally is also the case with all other religions when terrorist degenerations and crimes are committed in their name.

At present, however, it is Islam which, because of the fanatical Islamistic believers and through
one who succumbed to degenerated religious delusion, is misused and is made the horror of the

And this is not only within the ranks of the Christians and Hindus, the Jews, Buddhists and those
of other faiths, but it is also within the ranks of Muslims.

Fundamentally, all fanatical actions, actions which are driven by delusional belief, and other
terrorist actions, are profoundly low and should be most sharply condemned, and indeed it makes no difference whether they are determined by degenerated fanatical Islamism or if they lead back to fanatical degenerations of those imprisoned by other religious faiths.

However, in the current time it is the Islamistic terrorists, who are not representatives of Islam and are not faithful Muslims, who toss the entirety of Islam, and, with it, well over a billion Muslims, into the abyss of hatred from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and from many of other faiths.

Neither the ringleaders of the Islamistic terrorists, nor those who sign up with them and learn
terror, nor those who have already been trained as Islamistic terrorists, can claim that they are
representatives of Islam.

Truly, they are serious criminals and can in no way be called Muslims, because, in their
fanaticism, they are degenerates and miserable creatures and ill-disposed ones who murder and
destroy out of cowardice, and bring the genuine Islamic believers into disrepute all over the world and set the whole world hatefully against them.

Islam, now just 1,431 years old, has basically come forth from the old teaching of the real
prophets, therefore, also from the teaching as was brought by Jmmanuel, who is also quoted in
the Qur'an as a prophet.

Terroristic Islamism has, however, not come from this teaching from the old prophets and thereby
also not from the religious book, the Qur'an. Instead it has come from a hate-bound delusion of
those who incite terror against all those who do not follow, implement and fully live the verses of
the Surah of the Koran conservatively, fundamentally and fanatically in a completely wrong and
erroneous manner.

This does not mean in the actual Islamic way, but rather according to the erroneous and
dim-witted Islamism, which truly has nothing to do with Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an,
because Islamism follows terroristic-pathologically insane and fanatical false teachings which find no likeness at all in either the Islamic religious book nor in other teaching texts which result from it.

Islamistic terrorism is an unparalleled degeneration existing outside the teachings of the Qur'an
and of Islam. Consequently, it may not be taken as a measure for judging the image of Islam and
of the faithful Muslims.

But if that is done, then that corresponds to a mistake, which only generates evil and hate,
whereby the wheel of hate turns ever further and all terror actions occurring all over the world are
automatically and directly associated with Islam and with Muslims in general.

And that also happens when terrorist actions are caused in a different way and are carried out by
Christians, Hindus or Jews, and so forth.

Therefore, just in this regard alone, a differentiation must already be made and it must be clear
that religious and sectarian terrorism has nothing to do with the actual religion, but rather is based on degenerations which come forth from pathologically insane, exaggerated, conservative, fundamentalist and fanatical, as well as delusional, imaginations.

Therefore it is necessary to recognise terrorism in the actuality of its origins because only in this
way can it be effectively tackled in order to put an end to it.

But precisely that is not done because basically Islam and Muslims are immediately made
generally responsible when some kind of terror actions occur somewhere.

Truly, however, terror is not the product of Islam or another religion, rather it is the evil and
criminal fruit of hate-filled and fanatical humans, who, without consideration and conscience, also make others, who are misled by them, instrumental for their terroristic purposes.

Terror actions, which prove to have a form defined by Islamism, have a quite especially and
extremely unpleasant - as well as malicious - effect worldwide on co-existence among Christians, Jews and Muslims, and promote hate against the Islamic believers, and, indeed, although they detest and reject terrorism.

They want to live in peace, freedom, harmony and love, as do all other rational human beings of
all peoples and religions. Consequently, for them, terror actions are completely senseless,
inappropriate and criminal as well as despising of human beings and life.

In contrast to that, those of other faiths - primarily an enormous number of Christians and Jews -
believe their completely wrong, imagined and often delusion-imprinted opinions to be confirmed in regard to Islam and Muslims as a result of the criminal, Islamistic, terror actions.

And then, even when criminal terror actions are carried out by Christians or Jews, and so forth, the entire thing is thoughtlessly and hatefully attributed, unjustifiably, to Muslims and Islam.

In this regard, absolutely no distinction is made, but rather everything is simply mopped up with
the same hate-drenched, filthy rag, and is thrown into the same pot of hate.

Wrong information and misunderstanding in regard to Islam and its believers cloud the senses of
reason and understanding of primarily the Christians and Jews and all their manifold sects.

In this way, wrong ways of viewing it and misunderstandings emerge as a result of which all terror actions are condemned as belonging to Islam.

Thereby it is forgotten that, in reality, only small terrorist groups are behind all acts of murder and
destruction, in which misled, fanatical, hate-filled and profoundly low, cowardly, degenerated
human beings are hidden, who commit their crimes in the name of an imaginary god.

In the case of the Islamistic terrorists, murder and destruction is carried out in the name of Allah,
as well as in the name of the “šari’a” (Shari’ah) which is basically wrongly interpreted by the
terrorists and is, so to speak, explained as God’s punishment or God’s judgement, and so forth.

The word namely means something else, because it actually, in no way, relates to a punishment
or punishment regulation, rather, in a completely unspectacular way, a path which leads to the
source is meant thereby.

Briefly explained, the “šari’a” is, truly and principally, based on an extensive Islamic system of law, which essentially is directed towards finding a correct answer to the question of how the human being should live in order to be pleasing to God.

This is to do with this: that the administration of law (huda) which Allah is supposed to have given the human being, indeed through the Qur'an and the example of the prophet Mohammed, should be so orientated that life is made fruitful and that the Islamic believers shall be protected from false steps.

In no way do terror, murder, torture, death and destruction belong to that, nor can they be found
in the Qur'an or in some other Islamic religious texts.

Along with the “šari’a” there is still an open ended scale of other Islamic terms which are
unpopular outside of the Islamic world, as, for example, the term “fatwa” which, in the western
media, has become independent, whereby in recent times in particular the Iranian Ayatollahs (sign of God = honorific for special Islamic educated class) and the Iranian regime are to blame in that they have misused the Islamic law and have called for the murder of the English author, Salman Rushdie and the Danish caricaturist, Kurt Westergaard.

As a result of that, suddenly the “fatwa”, which was labelled “fatwa of death” by the media, stood
for the indiscriminate death sentence of barbaric “Islamic regimes”.

Countering that, the actual meaning of the term “fatwa” is essentially just as unspectacular as that of “šari’a”.

Truly, a “fatwa” is an Islamic, expert legal report which relates to the posing of questions which are not distinctly explained through the regulations of “šari’a” - of the Islamic law.

In the new time - from 1844 - it has become fashionable among the human beings of Earth, to - in
the name of something - carry out uprisings and demonstrations as well as committing acts of
violence, murder, terror attacks, mass murder, torture and other acts of violence and crimes as
well as causing monstrous destruction.

All these criminal activities are primarily carried out wrongly and erroneously in the name of an
imaginary god and a religion and in the name of a delusion-impregnated and fanatical belief or
even in the name of Satan as well as in a hate-impregnated way.

However, the entire thing is further promoted through the citing of causes such as nature,
environmental protection, animal protection, humanity and justice, and so forth. Consequently, no boundaries are set with the whole matter of citing causes.

And since the talk here is of Islamistic terrorism, it is naturally clear that this Islamistic terrorism
quotes Islam and misuses it as it does the Qur'an and the believing Muslims and brings them
altogether into discredit, whereby the hatred of those of all other faiths is stirred up against them -
principally with the Christians and Jews.

This unbridled hate leads to the Muslims being discredited and avoided in all non-Islamic
countries, whereby they inevitably do not feel accepted and feel like outcasts.

In particular, a very great number of Christians and Jews want neither to see nor to have anything to do with the Muslims, and that is all only because Christian and Jewish conspiracy theorists who are mad and have succumbed to religious delusion condemn the Qur'an and Muslims and thereby stir up angst.

But angst is a very evil form, because boundless hate is also bred up through it, and that is
exactly what is wanted by those who - as a result of their religious delusion which comes from their other faiths, and as a result of their hate - are against Islam and its believers.

Those who have other beliefs, as with primarily Christians and Jews - who rage, curse and rail
against Islam and Muslims, as a result of angst - should overcome their cowardly angst.

If they do not do that, then, as a result of their angst, they succumb to the same or similar
behaviour as the terrorists. Consequently, they themselves become terroristic extremists in some
form and drive themselves or others into the hands of those criminals who are involved in terror.

Truly, the Muslims who live and work in the non-Islamic countries, do a lot in order to integrate
themselves in their host country or new homeland, but it is made extremely difficult for them,
especially in the Christian countries.

This difficulty is also brought to them in that they are refused their centres of worship, or parts
thereof, due to cowardly angst and as a result of misinformation, as, for example, with the
absolutely hair-raising ban on minarets in Switzerland, which discriminates against the Muslims
and which also offends against certain articles of human rights.

So, attempts are made, in every dishonest way, to oppress the Muslims and contest their right to
exist, instead of seeking a consensus in the form of an agreement of opinion concerning the right
to exist, and the co-existence and living together, of various religions.

The Christian and Jewish angst about Islam and its believers also stirs up angst in Muslims and,
consequently, this angst is a factor based on reciprocity and makes the chances of a good, correct and valuable reciprocal understanding even worse and even makes it impossible.

Therefore, the angst from all sides, about each other, must be demolished and finally brought to
an end, because only thereby can real approaches result among the believers of the various
religions, especially the Christians, Jews and Muslims.

All this, however, requires comprehensive information from all sides, as well as the faithful of the
various religions opening themselves to each other, losing the angst for each other, behaving as
true human beings in regard to other human beings and building up good interpersonal
relationships, ultimately, in order to live together in peace, freedom, love and harmony.

Billy, BEAM, Muhammed Abdullah

Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrüti, January 8th, 2010, 1:27 AM.

Translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 24th, 2010, Australia.


The following is a translation of Billy's second article appearing in FIGU's Special Bulletin, Number 53, June 2010.

Islamistische Terroristen vertreten nicht den Islam, wie auch andersgläubige Terroristen
nicht die anderen Religionen vertreten

Islamistic terrorists do not represent Islam, just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent
the other religions

Als Mensch, gebürtig als Eduard Albert Meier, genannt ‹Billy›, BEAM, und Sheik Muhammed
Abdullah usw., habe ich schon von Kindheit an sehr wohl einen guten Einblick in das Christentum sowie in den Islam und in die anderen Religionen sowie in viele deren Sekten gewonnen, wobei ich jedoch mein ganzes Leben lang für mich und meine Gedanken, Gefühle und Ansichten sowie Meinungen immer eine völlig neutrale Haltung eingenommen und beibehalten habe.

As a human being, born Eduard Albert Meier, named “Billy”, BEAM, and Sheik Muhammed
Abdullah and so forth, I had certainly, already from childhood, gained a good insight into
Christianity as well as into Islam and into the other religions as well as into many of their sects,
whereby I have, however, assumed and maintained a completely neutral position, over my entire
life, for myself and my thoughts, feelings and views, as well as opinions.

Grundsätzlich bin ich gemäss dem Islam ein religiöser Ungläubiger und aus der Sicht des
Christentums ein Ketzer und Atheist, oder aus anderer und sektiererischer Sicht ein Verlorener und Höllenanwärter usw., denn ich distanziere mich von jedem religiösen und sektiererischen Glauben.

Fundamentally, according to Islam, I am a religious non-believer and, from the perspective of
Christianity, a heretic and atheist, or, from a different and sectarian perspective, one who is lost
and a candidate for Hell and so forth, because I distance myself from all religious and sectarian

Damit bin ich auch nicht vom Gotteswahn befallen, wie dieser durch die Irrlehren der Religionen
und alle deren Sekten den Gläubigen indoktrinierend eingehämmert wird.

As a result, I have not succumbed to the God delusion, which is hammered, in an indoctrinating
manner, into the believers, through the false teachings of religions and all their sects.

Aus diesen genannten Gründen vermag ich auch in neutraler Weise Dinge richtig zu beurteilen, die mit Glauben, Religion und Sektierismus tatsächlich oder scheinbar zusammenhängen.

For these abovementioned reasons I am also able, in a neutral way, to correctly judge things
which are actually, or seemingly, associated with belief, religion and sectarianism.

Dies wie z.B. in bezug auf den islamistischen Terrorismus, wobei dieser Islamismus mit dem
eigentlichen Islam keinerlei Bewandtnis hat, sondern auf einem fehlgesteuerten und völlig
ausgearteten Fanatismus beruht.

This is the case, for example, in regard to Islamistic terrorism, whereby this Islamism has no
relationship whatsoever with actual Islam. It is based, instead, on a wrongly steered and
completely degenerated fanaticism.

Leider ist es so, dass überall dort, wo Terroraktionen stattfinden, diese sofort mit dem Islam in
Verbindung gebracht werden, wie aber auch mit anderen Religionen, und zwar je nachdem, welcher Religion die Terroristen angehören.

Unfortunately, it is the case that, wherever terrorist acts occur, these are immediately associated
with Islam, as they also are with other religions, however, and indeed, depending on which religion the terrorists belong to in each instance.

Hauptsächlich ist es in der gegenwärtigen Zeit der Islam, der ins Ziel der Beschimpfungen der
Menschen gerät.

In the present time it is primarily Islam which is the target of abusive insults from people.
Dies eben dann, wenn durch fanatische Islamisten Terrorakte verübt werden.

This is exactly what occurs when terrorist acts are committed by fanatical Islamists.

Terroristische Islamisten haben jedoch nichts mit dem Islam zu tun in der Weise, dass sie diesen vertreten würden, denn wahrheitlich sind sie ausgeartete religiöse Fanatiker, die den Koran und den daraus resultierenden Islam nach eigenem verbrecherischem Ermessen zu ihren eigenen fanatischen Gunsten auslegen, um hemmungslos Mord, Tod und Zerstörung verbreiten zu können.

Terrorist Islamists have, however, nothing to do with Islam in the way that they represent it,
because truly they are degenerated religious fanatics, who interpret the Qur'an and Islam which
results from it, according to their own criminal judgement, in their own fanatical favour, in order to
be able to spread boundless murder, killing death and destruction.

Durch dieses falsche Tun der fanatischen wahnbefallenen islamistischen Terroristen werden deren Verbrechen nur zu schnell und zu gern mit dem Islam in Zusammenhang gebracht.

As a result of this wrongdoing by the fanatical Islamistic terrorists, who have succumbed to
delusion, their crimes are only too quickly and too willingly brought into association with Islam.

Dieser aber hat einerseits damit überhaupt nichts zu tun, und andererseits sind die fanatischen
islamistischen Terroristen keine wirklichen Moslems, sondern nur schäbige Kreaturen, die den
Islam ganz bewusst für ihre Ausartungen ihres mörderischen und verbrecherischen Handelns zum Vorwand nehmen.

On one hand, however, this has nothing at all to do with it, and on the other hand, the fanatical,
Islamistic terrorists are not genuine Muslims, but are rather only shabby creatures who quite
intentionally use Islam as a pretext for their degenerations of their murderous and criminal

So gerät der Islam immer wieder durch neuerliche terroristische Greueltaten und Verbrechen in die Schlagzeilen der öffentlichen Medien, was natürlich auch bei allen anderen Religionen der Fall ist, wenn in deren Namen terroristische Ausartungen und Verbrechen begangen werden.

In this way Islam, again and again, gets into the headlines of the public media as a result of new
terrorist atrocities and crimes, which naturally is also the case with all other religions when terrorist degenerations and crimes are committed in their name.

Gegenwärtig ist es nun aber einmal der Islam, der durch die fanatischen islamistischen Gläubigen und durch einen ausgearteten Religionswahn Befallenen missbraucht und zum Weltschrecken gemacht wird.

At present, however, it is Islam which, because of the fanatical Islamistic believers and through
one who succumbed to degenerated religious delusion, is misused and is made the horror of the

Und dies nicht nur in den Reihen der Christen und Hindus, der Juden, Buddhisten und sonstigen Andersgläubigen, sondern auch in den Reihen der Muslima und Muslime.

And this is not only within the ranks of the Christians and Hindus, the Jews, Buddhists and those
of other faiths, but it is also within the ranks of Muslims.

Grundsätzlich sind alle fanatischen, glaubenswahnmässigen und sonstigen terroristischen Aktionen abgrundtief und aufs Schärfste zu verurteilen, und zwar ganz gleich, ob sie nun ausgeartet fanatischislamistisch bedingt sind oder auf fanatische Ausartungen andersgläubiger
Religionsbefangener zurückführen.

Fundamentally, all fanatical actions, actions which are driven by delusional belief, and other
terrorist actions, are profoundly low and should be most sharply condemned, and indeed it makes no difference whether they are determined by degenerated fanatical Islamism or if they lead back to fanatical degenerations of those imprisoned by other religious faiths.

In der heutigen Zeit sind es aber die islamistischen Terroristen, die keine Islam-Vertreter und keine gläubige Muslime sind, die den ganzen Islam und damit weit über eine Milliarde Muslima und Muslime in den Abgrund des Hasses der Christen, Juden, Hindus, Buddhisten und vieler
Andersgläubiger stossen.

However, in the current time it is the Islamistic terrorists, who are not representatives of Islam and are not faithful Muslims, who toss the entirety of Islam, and, with it, well over a billion Muslims, into the abyss of hatred from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and from many of other faiths.

Weder die Rädelsführer der islamistischen Terroristen, noch jene, welche bei ihnen anheuern und den Terror lernen, noch jene, welche sich bereits als islamistische Terroristen haben ausbilden lassen, können in Anspruch nehmen, dass sie Vertreter des Islam seien.

Neither the ringleaders of the Islamistic terrorists, nor those who sign up with them and learn
terror, nor those who have already been trained as Islamistic terrorists, can claim that they are
representatives of Islam.

Wahrheitlich sind sie Schwerverbrecher und können in keiner Weise Muslime genannt werden,
denn in ihrem Fanatismus sind sie Ausgeartete und schäbige Kreaturen und Windlinge, die feige morden und zerstören und die wirklichen Islamgläubigen weltweit in Verruf bringen und alle Welt hassvoll gegen sie aufbringen.

Truly, they are serious criminals and can in no way be called Muslims, because, in their
fanaticism, they are degenerates and miserable creatures and ill-disposed ones who murder and
destroy out of cowardice, and bring the genuine Islamic believers into disrepute all over the world and set the whole world hatefully against them.

Der Islam ist nun gerademal 1431 Jahre alt, im Grundsätzlichen hervorgegangen aus der alten
Lehre der wirklichen Propheten, so also auch aus der Lehre, wie sie Jmmanuel gebracht hat, wie er auch im Koran als Prophet aufgeführt wird.

Islam, now just 1,431 years old, has basically come forth from the old teaching of the real
prophets, therefore, also from the teaching as was brought by Jmmanuel, who is also quoted in
the Qur'an as a prophet.

Der terroristische Islamismus ist aber nicht aus dieser Lehre der alten Propheten hervorgegangen und damit auch nicht aus dem Religionsbuch Koran, sondern aus einem mit Hass verbundenen Wahn der Terrorurheber gegenüber all jenen, welche nicht konservativ, fundamentalistisch und fanatisch in völlig falscher und irrer Art und Weise die Verse der Suren des Korans befolgen, umsetzen und ausleben.

Terroristic Islamism has, however, not come from this teaching from the old prophets and thereby
also not from the religious book, the Qur'an. Instead it has come from a hate-bound delusion of
those who incite terror against all those who do not follow, implement and fully live the verses of
the Surah of the Koran conservatively, fundamentally and fanatically in a completely wrong and
erroneous manner.

Dies eben nicht in wirklich islamischer Weise, sondern gemäss dem irren und schwachsinnigen
Islamismus, der wahrheitlich nichts mit dem Islam und mit den Koranlehren zu tun hat, denn der
Islamismus folgt terroristisch-krankhaft irren und fanatischen Irrlehren, die weder im islamischen
Religions buch noch in anderen daraus resultierenden Lehrenschriften keinerlei Gleichheit finden.

This does not mean in the actual Islamic way, but rather according to the erroneous and
dim-witted Islamism, which truly has nothing to do with Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an,
because Islamism follows terroristic-pathologically insane and fanatical false teachings which find no likeness at all in either the Islamic religious book nor in other teaching texts which result from it.

Der islamistische Terrorismus ist eine Ausartung sondergleichen ausserhalb der Koranlehren und des Islam, folglich er nicht als Massstab zur Imagebeurteilung des Islam sowie der gläubigen Muslima und Muslime genommen werden darf.

Islamistic terrorism is an unparalleled degeneration existing outside the teachings of the Qur'an
and of Islam. Consequently, it may not be taken as a measure for judging the image of Islam and
of the faithful Muslims.

Wird das aber doch getan, dann entspricht das einem Fehler, der nur Böses und Hass erzeugt,
wobei sich das Rad des Hasses immer weiter dreht und alle weltweit stattfindenden Terroraktionen automatisch und direkt mit dem Islam und mit den Muslimen allgemein in Zusammenhang gebracht werden.

But if that is done, then that corresponds to a mistake, which only generates evil and hate,
whereby the wheel of hate turns ever further and all terror actions occurring all over the world are
automatically and directly associated with Islam and with Muslims in general.

Und das geschieht auch dann, wenn die terroristischen Aktionen anderweitig bedingt sind und durch Christen, Hindus oder Juden usw. ausgeübt werden.

And that also happens when terrorist actions are caused in a different way and are carried out by
Christians, Hindus or Jews, and so forth.

Also muss allein schon in dieser Hinsicht differenziert und auch klar werden, dass der religiöse und sektiererische Terrorismus nichts mit der eigentlichen Religion zu tun hat, sondern auf Ausartungen beruht, die aus krankhaft irren, überspannten, konservativen, fundamentalistischen und fanatischen sowie wahnmässigen Einbildungen hervorgehen.

Therefore, just in this regard alone, a differentiation must already be made and it must be clear
that religious and sectarian terrorism has nothing to do with the actual religion, but rather is based on degenerations which come forth from pathologically insane, exaggerated, conservative, fundamentalist and fanatical, as well as delusional, imaginations.

Also ist es notwendig, den Terrorismus in der Tatsächlichkeit seines Ursprungs zu erkennen, denn nur bei diesem kann er wirksam angegangen werden, um ihm ein Ende zu setzen.

Therefore it is necessary to recognise terrorism in the actuality of its origins because only in this
way can it be effectively tackled in order to put an end to it.

Genau das wird aber nicht getan, denn grundsätzlich werden sofort der Islam und die Muslime
allgemein verantwortlich gemacht, wenn irgendwo irgendwelche Terroraktionen stattfinden.

But precisely that is not done because basically Islam and Muslims are immediately made
generally responsible when some kind of terror actions occur somewhere.

Wahrheitlich ist der Terror aber nicht das Produkt des Islam oder einer anderen Religion, sondern die böse und verbrecherische Frucht hasserfüllter und fanatischer Menschen, die bedenken- und gewissenlos auch andere durch sie irregeführte Menschen für ihre terroristischen Zwecke instrumentalisieren.

Truly, however, terror is not the product of Islam or another religion, rather it is the evil and
criminal fruit of hate-filled and fanatical humans, who, without consideration and conscience, also make others, who are misled by them, instrumental for their terroristic purposes.

Terroraktionen, die sich als islamistisch geprägte Form erweisen, wirken sich weltweit ganz
besonders und äusserst unerfreulich sowie bösartig auf das Zusammenleben zwischen Christen, Juden und Muslimen aus und fördern den Hass auf die Islam-Gläubigen, und zwar obwohl diese den Terrorismus verabscheuen und ablehnen.

Terror actions, which prove to have a form defined by Islamism, have a quite especially and
extremely unpleasant - as well as malicious - effect worldwide on co-existence among Christians, Jews and Muslims, and promote hate against the Islamic believers, and, indeed, although they detest and reject terrorism.

Sie wollen in Frieden, Freiheit, Harmonie und Liebe leben, wie alle anderen vernünftigen Menschen aller Völker und Religionen, folgedem Terroraktionen für sie völlig sinnlos, unangebracht und verbrecherisch sowie menschen- und lebensverachtend sind.

They want to live in peace, freedom, harmony and love, as do all other rational human beings of
all peoples and religions. Consequently, for them, terror actions are completely senseless,
inappropriate and criminal as well as despising of human beings and life.

Gegenteilig dazu wähnen sich Andersgläubige, hauptsächlich ungemein viele Christen und Juden, durch die verbrecherischen islamistischen Terroraktionen in ihrer völlig falschen, eingebildeten und oft wahngeprägten Meinung in bezug auf den Islam und die Muslime bestätigt.

In contrast to that, those of other faiths - primarily an enormous number of Christians and Jews -
believe their completely wrong, imagined and often delusion-imprinted opinions to be confirmed in regard to Islam and Muslims as a result of the criminal, Islamistic, terror actions.

Und selbst dann, wenn verbrecherische Terroraktionen von Christen oder Juden usw. durchgeführt werden, wird das Ganze gedankenlos und voller Hass unberechtigt den Muslimen und dem Islam zugeschoben.

And then, even when criminal terror actions are carried out by Christians or Jews, and so forth, the entire thing is thoughtlessly and hatefully attributed, unjustifiably, to Muslims and Islam.

Es wird diesbezüglich überhaupt kein Unterschied gemacht, sondern alles einfach mit demselben vor Hass triefenden schmutzigen Lappen aufgewischt und in denselben Hasstopf geworfen.

In this regard, absolutely no distinction is made, but rather everything is simply mopped up with
the same hate-drenched, filthy rag, and is thrown into the same pot of hate.

Falschinformationen und Missverstehen in bezug auf den Islam und dessen Gläubige vernebeln
hauptsächlich den Christen und Juden und all deren vielfältigen Sekten die Sinne des Verstandes und der Vernunft.

Wrong information and misunderstanding in regard to Islam and its believers cloud the senses of
reason and understanding of primarily the Christians and Jews and all their manifold sects.
Dadurch entstehen falsche Sichtweisen und Missverständnisse, aus denen heraus alle
Terroraktionen als dem Islam zugehörig verurteilt werden.

In this way, wrong ways of viewing it and misunderstandings emerge as a result of which all terror actions are condemned as belonging to Islam.

Dabei wird vergessen, dass in Wirklichkeit nur kleine Terroristengruppen hinter allen Mord- und
Zerstörungstaten stecken, in denen sich irregeführte, fanatische, hass erfüllte und abgrundtief feige ausgeartete Menschen verstecken, die im Namen eines imaginären Gottes ihre Verbrechen begehen.

Thereby it is forgotten that, in reality, only small terrorist groups are behind all acts of murder and
destruction, in which misled, fanatical, hate-filled and profoundly low, cowardly, degenerated
human beings are hidden, who commit their crimes in the name of an imaginary god.

Im Falle der islamistischen Terroristen wird so im Namen Allahs gemordet und zerstört, wie auch im Namen die ‹šari’a› (Scharia), die von den Terroristen grundlegend falsch gedeutet und
sozusagen als Gottesstrafe oder Gottesstrafgericht usw. ausgelegt wird.

In the case of the Islamistic terrorists, murder and destruction is carried out in the name of Allah,
as well as in the name of the “šari’a” (Shari’ah) which is basically wrongly interpreted by the
terrorists and is, so to speak, explained as God’s punishment or God’s judgement, and so forth.

Das Wort bedeutet nämlich etwas anderes, denn es bezieht sich nämlich in keiner Weise auf eine Strafe oder Strafregelung, sondern in völlig unspektakulärer Weise ist damit ein Weg gemeint, der zu den Quellen führt.

The word namely means something else, because it actually, in no way, relates to a punishment
or punishment regulation, rather, in a completely unspectacular way, a path which leads to the
source is meant thereby.

Die ‹šari’a› beruht wahrheitlich und grundsätzlich kurz erklärt auf einem umfassenden islamischen Rechtssystem, das im wesentlichen darauf ausgerichtet ist, eine korrekte Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, wie der Mensch leben soll, um gottgefällig zu sein.

Briefly explained, the “šari’a” is, truly and principally, based on an extensive Islamic system of law, which essentially is directed towards finding a correct answer to the question of how the human being should live in order to be pleasing to God.

Dabei geht es darum, dass die Rechtleitung (huda), die Allah den Menschen gegeben haben soll, eben durch den Koran und durch das Vorbild des Propheten Muhammed, darauf ausgerichtet sein soll, dass das Leben fruchtbar gemacht wird und dass die Islam-Gläubigen vor Fehltritten bewahrt werden sollen.

This is to do with this: that the administration of law (huda) which Allah is supposed to have given the human being, indeed through the Qur'an and the example of the prophet Mohammed, should be so orientated that life is made fruitful and that the Islamic believers shall be protected fromfalse steps.

Terror, Mord, Folter, Tod und Zerstörung gehören in keiner Weise dazu und lassen sich weder im Koran noch in irgendwelchen anderen islamischen Religionsschriften finden.

In no way do terror, murder, torture, death and destruction belong to that, nor can they be found
in the Qur'an or in some other Islamic religious texts.

Nebst der ‹šari’a› gibt es noch eine nach oben offene Skala anderer islamischer Begriffe, die
ausserhalb der Islamwelt unbeliebt sind, wie z.B. der Begriff ‹fatwa›, der sich in den westlichen
Medien verselbständigt hat, wobei in der neueren Zeit insbesondere die iranischen Ayatollahs
(Zeichen Gottes = Ehrentitel für besondere islamische Gelehrtenklasse) und das iranische Regime schuld sind, die das islamische Recht missbraucht haben und zum Mord gegen den englischen Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie und gegen den dänischen Karikaturisten Kurt Westergaard aufgerufen haben.

Along with the “šari’a” there is still an open ended scale of other Islamic terms which are
unpopular outside of the Islamic world, as, for example, the term “fatwa” which, in the western
media, has become independent, whereby in recent times in particular the Iranian Ayatollahs (sign of God = honorific for special Islamic educated class) and the Iranian regime are to blame in that they have misused the Islamic law and have called for the murder of the English author, SalmanRushdie and the Danish caricaturist, Kurt Westergaard.

Dadurch stand plötzlich die ‹fatwa›, die von den Medien als ‹Todesfatwa› bezeichnet wurde, für
blinde Todesurteile barbarischer ‹islamischer Regimes›.

As a result of that, suddenly the “fatwa”, which was labelled “fatwa of death” by the media, stood
for the indiscriminate death sentence of barbaric “Islamic regimes”.

Dagegen ist die tatsächliche Bedeutung des Begriffs ‹fatwa› im wesentlichen ebenfalls so
unspektakulär wie die ‹šari’a›.

Countering that, the actual meaning of the term “fatwa” is essentially just as unspectacular as that of “šari’a”.

Wahrheitlich ist eine ‹fatwa› ein islamisches Rechtsgutachten, das zu Fragen Stellung bezieht, die durch die Regelungen der ‹šari’a›, des islamischen Rechts, nicht eindeutig geklärt sind.

Truly, a “fatwa” is an Islamic, expert legal report which relates to the posing of questions which are not distinctly explained through the regulations of “šari’a” - of the Islamic law.
In der Neuzeit ab 1844 ist es unter den Menschen der Erde modern geworden, im Namen von
irgend etwas Aufstände und Demonstrationen zu machen sowie Gewalttaten, Morde,
Terroranschläge, Massenmorde, Folterungen und sonstige Gewalttaten und Verbrechen zu
begehen sowie ungeheure Zerstörungen anzurichten.

In the new time - from 1844 - it has become fashionable among the human beings of Earth, to - in
the name of something - carry out uprisings and demonstrations as well as committing acts of
violence, murder, terror attacks, mass murder, torture and other acts of violence and crimes as
well as causing monstrous destruction.

In hauptsächlicher Weise werden alle diese verbrecherischen Handlungen fälschlich und irrig im Namen eines imaginären Gottes und einer Religion und des wahngeschwängerten und fanatischen Glaubens oder gar im Namen Satans sowie in hassgeschwängerter Weise durchgeführt.

All these criminal activities are primarily carried out wrongly and erroneously in the name of an
imaginary god and a religion and in the name of a delusion-impregnated and fanatical belief or
even in the name of Satan as well as in a hate-impregnated way.

Weiter erfolgt das Ganze aber auch durch Zuhilfenahme der Nennung der Natur, des
Klimaschutzes, des Tierschutzes, der Menschlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit usw., folglich dem Ganzen der Nennungen eigentlich keine Grenzen gesetzt sind.

However, the entire thing is further promoted through the citing of causes such as nature,
environmental protection, animal protection, humanity and justice, and so forth. Consequently, no boundaries are set with the whole matter of citing causes.

Und da hier die Rede vom islamistischen Terrorismus ist, ist natürlich klar, dass dieser sich auf
den Islam beruft und sowohl diesen, den Koran und die gläubigen Muslime missbraucht und diese allesamt in Misskredit bringt, wodurch gegen sie der Hass aller Andersgläubigen geschürt wird, hauptsächlich bei den Christen und Juden.

And since the talk here is of Islamistic terrorism, it is naturally clear that this Islamistic terrorism
quotes Islam and misuses it as it does the Qur'an and the believing Muslims and brings them
altogether into discredit, whereby the hatred of those of all other faiths is stirred up against them -
principally with the Christians and Jews.

Dieser unbändige Hass führt dazu, dass in allen nichtislamischen Ländern die Muslima und
Muslime diskreditiert und gemieden werden, wodurch sie sich zwangsläufig nicht akzeptiert und als Ausgestossene fühlen.

This unbridled hate leads to the Muslims being discredited and avoided in all non-Islamic
countries, whereby they inevitably do not feel accepted and feel like outcasts.

Speziell eine sehr grosse Zahl der Christen und Juden will die Muslime weder sehen noch mit ihnen etwas zu tun haben, und alles nur darum, weil verrückte und religionswahnbefallene christliche und jüdische Verschwörungstheoretiker den Islam, den Koran und die Muslime verteufeln und dadurch Angst schüren.

In particular, a very great number of Christians and Jews want neither to see nor to have anything to do with the Muslims, and that is all only because Christian and Jewish conspiracy theorists who are mad and have succumbed to religious delusion condemn the Qur'an and Muslims and thereby stir up angst.

Angst aber ist eine sehr böse Form, denn durch diese wird auch grenzenloser Hass
herangezüchtet, und das ist genau das, was jene wollen, welche aus ihrem andersgläubigen
religiösen Wahnglauben und Hass heraus gegen den Islam und dessen Gläubige sind.

But angst is a very evil form, because boundless hate is also bred up through it, and that is
exactly what is wanted by those who - as a result of their religious delusion which comes from their other faiths, and as a result of their hate - are against Islam and its believers.

Die Andersgläubigen, wie hauptsächlich Christen und Juden, die in Angst gegen den Islam und die Muslima und Muslime wettern, fluchen und schimpfen, sollten ihre feige Angst bewältigen.

Those who have other beliefs, as with primarily Christians and Jews - who rage, curse and rail
against Islam and Muslims, as a result of angst - should overcome their cowardly angst.

Wenn sie das nicht tun, dann verfallen sie aus ihrer Angst heraus dem Gleichen oder Ähnlichen,
wie es auch die Terrorristen tun, folglich sie selbst in irgendeiner Form zu terroristischen
Extremisten werden und sich selbst oder andere in die Hände der verbrecherischen Terrorakteure treiben.

If they do not do that, then, as a result of their angst, they succumb to the same or similar
behaviour as the terrorists. Consequently, they themselves become terroristic extremists in some
form and drive themselves or others into the hands of those criminals who are involved in terror.

Wahrheitlich unternehmen in den nichtislamischen Ländern die dort wohnhaften und arbeitenden Muslima und Muslime sehr viel, um sich in ihrem Gastland oder neuen Heimatland zu integrieren, doch wird ihnen das besonders in den christlichen Ländern äusserst schwergemacht.

Truly, the Muslims who live and work in the non-Islamic countries, do a lot in order to integrate
themselves in their host country or new homeland, but it is made extremely difficult for them,
especially in the Christian countries.

Diese Erschwernis wird ihnen auch entgegengebracht, indem ihnen ihre Kultstätten oder Teile
davon aus feiger Angst und durch Missinformation verweigert werden, wie z.B. in der Schweiz das absolut haarsträubende und die Muslime diskriminierende Minarettverbot, das auch gegen gewisse Artikel der Menschenrechte verstösst.

This difficulty is also brought to them in that they are refused their centres of worship, or parts
thereof, due to cowardly angst and as a result of misinformation, as, for example, with the
absolutely hair-raising ban on minarets in Switzerland, which discriminates against the Muslims
and which also offends against certain articles of human rights.

Also wird auf allen unlauteren Wegen versucht, die Muslima und Muslime zu unterdrücken und
ihnen die Berechtigung der Existenz zu bestreiten, anstatt dass ein Konsens gesucht wird in Form einer Meinungsgleichheit zur Existenzberechtigung und des Neben- oder Miteinanderbestehens verschiedener Religionen.

So, attempts are made, in every dishonest way, to oppress the Muslims and contest their right to
exist, instead of seeking a consensus in the form of an agreement of opinion concerning the right
to exist, and the co-existence and living together, of various religions.

Die Angst der Christen und Juden vor dem Islam und dessen Gläubigen schürt letztlich auch Angst in den Muslimen, folglich diese ein Faktor ist, der auf Gegenseitigkeit beruht und eine gute, richtige und wertvolle gegenseitige Verständigung noch viel schlimmer macht und gar verunmöglicht.

The Christian and Jewish angst about Islam and its believers also stirs up angst in Muslims and,
consequently, this angst is a factor based on reciprocity and makes the chances of a good, correct and valuable reciprocal understanding even worse and even makes it impossible.

Also müssen allerseits die Ängste voreinander abgebaut und endgültig beendet werden, denn nur dadurch können wirkliche Annäherungen erfolgen zwischen den Gläubigen der verschiedenen Religionen, insbesondere der Christen, Juden und Muslime.

Therefore, the angst from all sides, about each other, must be demolished and finally brought to
an end, because only thereby can real approaches result among the believers of the various
religions, especially the Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Das Ganze bedarf jedoch umfassender Informationen von allen Seiten sowie dass sich die
Gläubigen der verschiedenen Religionen gegeneinander öffnen, die Angst voreinander verlieren, sich als wahre Menschen gegenüber anderen Menschen benehmen und gute zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen aufbauen, um letztlich miteinander in Frieden, Freiheit, in Liebe und in Harmonie zu leben.

All this, however, requires comprehensive information from all sides, as well as the faithful of the
various religions opening themselves to each other, losing the angst for each other, behaving as
true human beings in regard to other human beings and building up good interpersonal
relationships, ultimately, in order to live together in peace, freedom, love and harmony.

Billy, BEAM, Muhammed Abdullah

Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrüti, January 8th, 2010, 1:27 AM.

Translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 24th, 2010, Australia.


Posted: August 25, 2010

Michael Horn