QUESTION: "So in carrying out the mission today in our modern world, what is the best or most effective way we can make known the teachings? In other words, what is the most important thing we can do today to help with the mission?"

"The most important thing is that the teachings are distributed in written (and correct!) form all over the world. In ancient times this usually happened in non-written form which opened the doors to many mis-interpretations and mistakes, etc., which was also the case with many religious books, like the Thora, the New Testament, the Quran, etc. The people of those times usually were rather uneducated and didn't understand much of the teachings. Many terms which were necessary to explain the teachings correctly were non-existent in those times."

(Excerpt from questions to Billy Meier. Please see )

"Dyson and Vivienne from have the permission to make non-official and preliminary translations on their website, but they don’t have the right to publish their translations as official translations." - Billy Meier, October 2006

Bad news for so-called "truth-seekers" who don't bother to learn the German language

"For very many words and concepts in the German language there exist no kind of  words or concepts of equal value in the entire English language, as well as in many other Earthly languages, neither in the form that they are the same value as would be expressed in German, or that they could describe the German word-idea even slightly, even only in the most distant form."  - Billy

147. "Before the setting of the determination 13,500 years ago, it was already recognised that one day the High German language of the New Age must exist on the Earth, which alone would offer all possibilities of a perfect and all-expressive and all-explaining language." - Ptaah


Please take the time now to read this brief excerpt taken from the introduction to the American Websters New International Dictionary, (preface dated 1913) which begins to explain the inadequacies of the English language compared to German, under the title, The English Poor in Formation and Inflection.

“Still the formative system of the language has become greatly restricted. It no longer possesses the unlimited power of development from its own resources, which we see in the Anglo-Saxon and in the modern German. If a new word is wanted, instead of producing it from elements already existing in English, we must often go to the Latin or the Greek, and find or fashion there something that will answer the purpose. By this process our language is placed in a dependent position, being reduced to supply its needs by constant borrowing. But it is a more serious disadvantage that in order to express our ideas we are obliged to translate them into dead languages. The expressiveness of the new term, that which fits it for its purpose, is hidden from those who are unacquainted with the classic tongues; that is, in many cases, from the great body of those who are to use it. To them it is a group of arbitrary syllables, and nothing more. The term thus loses its suggestiveness, and the language suffers greatly in its power of quickening and aiding thought.”


And a word from Quetzal about the language conspiracy.

September 22nd, 2007

How the Plejaren want Billy's work to be translated

"You should unconditionally refrain from American English because it deals with a philistine, uneducated and uncultivated language, which does not correspond to the values of your books and those of all your texts." - Ptaah, January 7th, 2005

In the future, we will, of course, stick to the UK spellings and terms, and retrofit our previous translations as we review them.

Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn (humor)

A word about translations

by Dyson, August 2005

Anyone whose mother tongue is German and also has a good command of English will recognise that neither Vivienne nor myself are native German speakers, and neither of us had the advantage of learning the language in childhood either. Happily, I learned conversational German when I was stationed in Stuttgart between 1969 and 1972. When Vivienne and I resolved to read the German language FIGU material in mid 2003, it was easy for me to catch up, and assist Vivienne, who is linguistically gifted anyway, with some of the more obscure idioms and vernacular.

Nevertheless, as Billy so correctly states, the German language includes many words, (and therefore ideas and concepts) which are totally lacking in the (deliberately dumbed-down) English language. This makes an accurate translation impossible, and the meagre English synonyms from which we are left to chose can only - at the very best - give an inadequate and confusing interpretation of what is actually meant.

Sadly, the English "flow" and syntax suffers badly in these translations, which we do this way to avoid sacrificing the very detailed German wording (ideas). We are painfully aware that a lot of this is not "good English", but we think that what is sacrificed in English mellifluousness is - to some extent - also compensated for by having an exotic flavor by default, which more accurately portrays the unusual speech patterns of these people from other planets. In other words, a more literal translation maintains the foreign tone of the original and more accurately conveys the ET linguistic idiosyncrasies.

Some people think that the English here (and in Wendelle Stevens' publications) can simply be "smoothed" into something more readable without ruining the already injured meaning. They could not be more mistaken, and in the future we hope to be able to point out more of the glaring errors and undeclared omissions in the Stevens' material, which is sadly slanted in a pro-religion direction. Of course this means that Gene Andrade's book, Star Wisdom, carries this slant over into his own work where even more religious influence is apparent. Similarly, FIGU material falsifier, Randolph Winters, seems to have even left non-German-reading FIGU friends with the impression that FIGU has a stove dedicated to burning all these unauthorised efforts. This is not true. As Billy says, we need to get these renewed teachings OUT THERE where they are needed most, but they MUST accurately convey the meanings and NOT be falsified or slanted. And we echo FIGU's call to have any such deliberately bogus translation promptly identified and removed from circulation.

The work we do is generally not checked by someone more competent in German, nor is it vetted first by FIGU, therefore, it may ... indeed certainly WILL ... contain some errors of interpretation and meaning.

Naturally we take great pains to avoid this, and rely to a great extent on our less-than-perfect understanding of the material we are studying to provide the needed accuracy.

Finally, we are doing this vital work now because we think that our translations with our disclaimers are better than none at all, and may inspire others to assist in the production of official FIGU translations.


And just a word about huge numbers ... in the U.S.A. you are a "billionaire" if you've got a thousand million dollars, but in the United Kingdom, you don't get to be called a "billionaire" until you've got a MILLION million Euros. But it is the same number. Got that? It gets even worse as the numbers increase. It is for this reason that we've converted all the German language names for these big numbers into plain numerals.

And it's already more than confusing enough without including scientific notation, being X to the nth power, etc. (exponents).

Please read what FIGU has to say about this important topic.

English -

 German - 

PLEASE! If you can help translate from German, contact FIGU. Earth NEEDS you!


Further words from FIGU:

Username: Klausmaus

Post Number: 13
Registered: 07-2006

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 08:41 am:

Dear Mr. Billy,

Maybe I am wrong, but you probably do not care a hoot or a holler about English language translations of your contact notes and written materials. By that I am meaning it is up to the indigenous people to perform their own translations if they wish. But probably you do not even wish them to do this, like with your friend Mr. Stevens, when he had the contact notes translated. There were many mistakes in those translations. Of course it would be better for the people to learn the German language so they can read the materials first-hand and not be tricked by bad translations. Many of the people that come to your case have been previously involved in religions, UFOs, new-age esoterica, speculation theories, etc. As you have said, it takes many years (maybe lifetimes) to overcome those erroneous beliefs. Do you think people with those beliefs should be doing translations of your materials and publishing them for other people to read, especially when they do not hardly know the German language themselves? Do you give your authorization or approval to such people?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.



Contrary to your assumption we are very much interested that the books are translated in as many languages as possible. However, it is required that the translations are really accurate, and it is required that they are done directly from the German original.

Since FIGU is not rich, we cannot pay anybody for translation work, and obviously there are not enough people on this planet who are 1) really mastering German and another language, and 2) are willing to do the translation for free.

(Note by CF: We are aware of the fact that many people are making translations by using translation software, or are making second generation translations from English into another language, but this doesn’t work properly, especially not with the most important books of Billy which cover the various questions of everything between birth, death and the Beyond. It may even be dangerous for one’s consciousness-related health when using falsely translated information.)

Username: Klausmaus

Post Number: 16
Registered: 07-2006

Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 08:35 pm:

Dear Mr. Billy,

In the last round of questions you indicated that translations need to be really accurate, done directly from the German original. Furthermore, it may even be dangerous for one’s consciousness-related health when using falsely translated information.

In this light I ask you once again regarding the suitability of such persons performing translations of your material.

Many of the people that come to your case have been previously involved in religions, UFOs, new-age esoterica, speculation theories, etc. As you have said it takes many years (maybe lifetimes) to overcome those erroneous beliefs. Do you think people with those beliefs should be doing translations of your materials and publishing them for other people to read, especially when they do not hardly know the German language themselves? Do you give your authorization or approval to such people?

An example is the translations of your material at the website If your English is not good enough to evaluate these translations, perhaps Mr. Christian would be so kind to assist.


The publication of official translations is permitted only through an agreement in writing by Billy/FIGU.

Having a religious background is no reason to prevent a person from doing translation work.

What is prohibited is to make false and inaccurate translations and to change the meaning of the German original.

Dyson and Vivienne from have the permission to make non-official and preliminary translations on their website, but they don’t have the right to publish their translations as official translations. To this end they have to clearly label each translation as “non-official”, and they have to include the German original text with each translation (sentence by sentence) in order that translation errors may be easily detected by readers who are mastering German and English. Of course their translations are not perfect, and of course the choice of texts to be translated is influenced by the “main direction” of their website.

Even if there may be found information on their website that is not in accordance with FIGU’s views this is no obstacle to give to Vivienne and Dyson the permission to make those “unauthorized preliminary translations”.


Many monolingual people naively think that, for every word in one foreign language, there exists a single corresponding word in their mother tongue which means the exact same thing. With some words, this is indeed quite close to the truth (especially in languages as similar and closely related as English and German), but more often than not there is no single equivalent, and what Billy explains, above, is much more the case. Due to this unavoidable truth, be warned that  ... words cannot be adequately translated with a computer software program which forces word-for-word equivalents, and you will be misled about the actual ideas that the corresponding (word) relates, because words are merely pointers to ideas. And not only are there often no equivalent words, in many cases, even the ideas do not yet exist on this planet until the renewed teachings are understood. You can read a little more (near the top of this page) about a few of the many problems which constitute The Great Wall, known as "the language barrier", which fences out people, who do not yet have a sufficient command of our planet's future universal language, from the renewed teachings now beneficently being provided by Billy and our good friends in the Plejaren Federation.  

(Excerpted from )

And another brief word about words

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