The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings


The following is a translation of Billy’s article from FIGU's Special Bulletin, number 55,
August 2010

The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings

Placebo preparations, (Latin: "I will please"), only appear to be medications and contain no active
medicinal agent, but, in spite of that, cause effects in the human being, such as those which
become evident with real medicinal medications.

Put another way, that means that human beings are, for example, freed from pain or are even
healed of suffering by things which only appear to be medicines, that is to say, placebo

In contrast to placebo preparations, there are the so-called nocebo preparations (Latin: "I will harm"),
which, likewise, correspond to things which appear to be medicines, and so forth, and which
fundamentally are also nothing other than placebos, which, as a rule, are made of sugar or other
harmless substances and are therefore also called "sugar pills" and so forth.

So, it can be said that placebo and nocebo preparations are essentially the same, however, are
fundamentally different in their effect, exactly in accord with that which the patients, when they take
such preparations, imagine in relation to the effect.

The effect of placebo preparations is such that they act to promote health and relieve pain, or to
even heal, while nocebo preparations have exactly the opposite effect.

With the taking of nocebo preparations, which are truly also placebos, negative effects such as pain
and suffering are caused as a result of the patient's negative imagination, therefore exactly the
opposite of that which occurs when placebos, which are assumed to be means of healing, are taken.

With the taking of nocebo preparations, when they are assumed to be damaging to the health or
even deadly, that which comes about as a result of the imagination is: all kinds of pain, suffering,
breathing difficulties, nausea and even symptoms of poisoning, dizziness, thirst, hunger, sudden
sinking of the blood pressure, and all kinds of other things, which can lead to actual death as a
result of the delusion.

The might of the thoughts is always bound up with corresponding feelings, which do indeed result
from the world of thoughts, and, in this combination, they form a deadly might, and also precisely in
the context in which some preparation or other is taken - which is essentially only a fake medication,
respectively, fake preparation or fake substance without active agents, and is completely harmless -
but which has negative effects and consequently, as a result of a supposition, introduces suffering,
pain, or death.

So, human beings who are weary of life, can, for example, form deeply impressed, dark imaginations
of an imminent misfortune, or of their own deaths, which actually also then kill them.

And if the taking of nocebo preparations - respectively, of imagined, deadly medications or other
substances - is also bound up with that, then the thoughts and feelings have the effect of actual
deadly might, through which the self-destruct code in the human body is activated.

Through such a nocebo effect, medical symptoms can actually also then come about in the body: for
example; demonstrable, real symptoms of poisoning.

So, the belief alone - respectively, the delusional imagination - that something bad will happen, that
suffering and pain or death will come about, can destroy the life of a human being.

The nocebo effect is therefore exactly the opposite of the placebo effect, whereby, therefore, one
must observe that, alone, the might of bad thoughts, feelings and imaginations - especially when
they are determined by delusion - cause the human being to become ill and even suffer death.

Hypochondriacs also live in such delusions, whereby they evoke serious psychosomatic processes
of suffering, however they vehemently deny their hypochondria.

The fact also is that placebo, respectively, nocebo, preparations, show demonstrable physiological
results and therefore their effects can be proven.

Along with that, it can also be proven that placebo preparations evoke a positive effect as a result of
the imagination and nocebo preparations evoke negative effects as a result of the imagination.

If the nocebo is precisely observed along with any human being who believes in the negative effect
of the preparation, then it is apparent that this has to do with a self-fulfilling, negative prophecy.

It is thereby also a fact that the imagined, or true, knowledge about imagined, or genuine, side
effects - as well as bad expectations and ideas - can exert a very bad influence on the health of the
human being and make him ill or even kill him.

The fact is that thoughts and feelings exert a monstrous might on the health of the human being and
not seldom even determine whether one lives or dies.

Angst, gloomy expectations, negative imaginings and worries are - at the very least - just as big a
negative factor and risk factor, in regard to physical and psychic health, as are, for example, alcohol,
nicotine and pure toxic substances.

That is also proven by the fact that approximately 60 percent of all human beings already feel poorly
in relation to their health, and often downright bad, when they have to undertake chemotherapy or
another treatment about which they are uneasy, or simply when they undergo a medical

Through their false thoughts alone - and the feelings resulting from them - they feel miserable, weak
and ill, and, indeed, although there is no logical cause which is purely physiological.

The fact that approximately 50 percent of all cases of illness, which result from a wave of colds,
comes about only through negative expectations as well as angst, worries and negative ideas,
proves that that corresponds to the truth.

That proves that just the belief alone, in side effects and effects in regard to medications or toxic
substances, is just as mighty and evokes, by means of the imagination, effects which are just as
mighty as do angst, worries, bad expectations and imaginations.

Merely the belief, the imagination, the idea and the delusion, about effects or side effects from
medications and toxic substances - regardless of whether they are preparations designated as
placebos or nocebos - activate warning areas in the brain which translates into alarm and evokes
physical difficulties, as well as downright disquiet pertaining to the thoughts and feelings, and
thereby also impairments pertaining to the psyche.

While the placebo effect causes health improvements or healing, the nocebo effect has a precisely
opposite effect and is damaging to the health, is dangerous and, under certain circumstances, even

The complicated connections related to this - among the thoughts and their feelings, the psyche,
nerves and the immune system - are thereby of immense significance. The psycho-neuro
immunologists have already been able to demostrate that for a long time.

The usual suspected causes of illness, such as age, blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol
level, thereby represent a much less significant risk than is generally assumed, because it is much
more the thoughts and their feelings which stand in the foreground in regard to physical health

Through long-term medical studies it can also be shown that, for example, human beings who
unjustifiably, respectively, without reason, consider themselves to be susceptible to heart attacks,
die much more often of heart attacks than others who do not construct big thoughts and feelings
about it.

And, in regard to all deaths caused by heart attacks, American scientists estimate that, worldwide,
five percent lead back to nocebo effects.

Along with the natural drive to maintain ones life, which causes the human being to fight for his life,
there exists in him also a self-destruct mechanism, which, although slumbering deeply buried, can,
however, be activated at any time when the need and situation require it, in order to flee, in a natural
way, from absolutely unbearable things.

If, however, the human being is not powerful enough in his thoughts and their feelings, as well as in
his will to live, then he can also trigger this self-destruct mechanism through his incapacity for life
and his powerlessness for life.

And, unfortunately, many human beings can succumb to this incapacity, consequently, in this
regard, an enormous number are susceptible because everything is steered through the might of the
thoughts and their feelings.

As soon as the thoughts, and the feelings resulting from them, become negatively and simply
overpowering, the psyche and the body capitulate and react with difficulties, with pains or even with

Negative and bad thoughts and their feelings therefore create psychic difficulties and even great
damage, and these lead inevitably, in the human body, to very dramatic psychosomatic
disturbances, which ultimately are expressed in real, physical illnesses and suffering.

If the human being's environment is observed then one notices that it is full of hidden nocebo cases,
which have been started by instruction leaflets which describe possible, or actual, side effects and
effects of medicines and all kinds of toxic substances.

And if these descriptions are read by human beings who imprint everything into themselves and
imagine bad things in relation to them, and believe them, then they actually become ill with the
symptoms described.

So, just through the might of the thoughts and their feelings, undesired side effects of medicines are
invoked which then corresponds to a nocebo effect.

Nocebo preparations can nearly evoke the most impossible effects, whereby not only pain, nausea,
and dizziness, and so forth, can be the results, but also confusion, headaches, forgetfulness,
constipation, diahareah, nosebleeds and fatigue, as well as poor eyesight, and so forth.

Contrasting with that, the placebo effect also functions to the same degree, when things which
appear to be medications, and so forth, are thought to be good, positive and promoting of good

Belief, imaginations and delusions have a monstrous might over the human being.

And if the human really believes that he is ruined by a certain situation, then that will actually also
happen, because whoever believes, hopelessly loses himself in a delusion from which he can
barely, or not at all, free himself any longer, as is also the case with religious and sectarian belief in

Especially human beings who have a deep religious or sectarian belief, as well as those who are
anxious and plagued by worries, are susceptible to the nocebo effect.

Religious and sectarian belief, as delusion, epitomises a quite especially mighty nocebo preparation.
Accordingly, the world of thoughts and world of feelings are directed such that everything happens
as is assumed in the delusional belief.

If the human being is observed then one can determined that he is very strongly dependent upon
optimism and pessimism and is therefore able to be influenced in relation to this.

But optimism and pessimism are factors which also are expressed by means of the psyche,
consequently, placebo effects lead to positive liberations from burdens, while nocebo effects evoke
reactions which burden the psyche.

Therefore it is also the case that a placebo or nocebo effect can be evoked by the environment, the
family, colleagues, parents and siblings, relatives, friends, acquaintances, doctors, psychologists,
psychiatrists and also completely unknown persons.

And this can happen without it being noticed by the human being who is impaired, or who profits,

But in order for something negative or positive to happen as a result of a nocebo or placebo effect,
the most important tool is the might of the brain, respectively, the might of the thoughts and feelings
which originate from it.

The might of thoughts and feelings is the best pharmacy of life - or the deadliest poison for the
destruction of life.

In the body of the human being, the thoughts and feelings are capable of setting the most diverse
biological processes in motion, such as, for example, also the activation, or blocking, of the
distribution of positive or negative neurotransmitters.

Therefore the brain is capable of producing highly effective substances of a positive or negative kind,
which are far superior to any pharmaceutical preparation or toxic substance.

Consequently the brain can stimulate valuable processes which promote health, or evoke processes
which destroy the organism and life.

The entire production of hormones is directly or indirectly steered by the brain, exactly as is the
control of all bodily functions, the efficacy of the immune, and pain, systems, and the readiness for
action, and so forth.

The thoughts, and their feelings, of one's internal attitude, have therefore a very great influence on
the efficacy of medicines, toxic substances, as well as of therapies, and so forth, and these decide
the individual course of effects in regard to placebo and nocebo effects - so, therefore, ultimately
over life and death.

Thoughts, and their feelings, when they are observed in their origin, are truly only a mixture of
chemicals and electrical circuits in the brain.

These constantly evolve anew and change.

So it also comes about that every region of the brain, which is associated with healing through
thoughts and feelings, is correspondingly stimulated, as is the case with the dormant self-destruct
mechanism which lies in wait for a suitable opportunity.

Therefore it is also possible that negative, dark thoughts and feelings can kill a human being.

Angst, delusional imaginings, belief, fear of death, hopelessness and panic unavoidably destroy the
sensitive equilibrium of the human psyche and body, because they make everything ill.

Those human expectations, which stem from good and bad thoughts and their feelings, have an
incredible might, and form reality according to the nature of the thoughts and their feelings.

The fundamental factor, which ultimately arranges everything, is the psyche - formed by the
thoughts and feelings - the negative effects of which can actually kill the human being.

Just as every biological death has its certain reasons, so indeed does death resulting from a nocebo
effect also have its reason.

With the human, angst, panic and thoughts and feelings, as a nocebo effect in regard to a danger,
attack the immune system, respectively the body's protective shield.

If angst and panic come about then the control centre in the brain switches and sends its own
defence mechanism into the blood.

The adrenalin level thereby increases tenfold and the immune system is stimulated into full

However, if this state is maintained for too long - if the negative expectations and the panic remain
active for too long - then the burden becomes too great and the system becomes full of holes.

It thereby becomes possible that bacteria, harmful substances and viruses break through into the
body's own immune system and thus leave the organism helplessly at the mercy of the attackers.

The nocebo effect is not only able to cause illnesses, rather it also measurably causes and worsens
pain, so everything seems much worse than it really is.

The nocebos' pain code is a neurotransmitter with the name CCK, respectively, Cholecystokinin.

This is formed in the intestines as a result of angst and panic, and causes a pain reaction in the

This process can - that is to say, could - only be stopped by the neurotransmitter dopamine, but, as
a rule, that is not possible when negative and bad expectations, and so forth, block the production of
these protective transmitters. Consequently, angst becomes sheer pain.

The nocebo effect applies not only to individual human beings, rather larger groups of human
beings can also be effected by it, as for example, in regard to mass hysteria.

These phenomena, whereby the nocebo effect causes an epidemic, occur again and again, and
indeed especially where human beings gather in larger groups.

As a rule, such nocebo epidemics emerge especially often in offices spaces, in factories, as well as
in schools, or at events where, indeed, many human beings meet together and are somehow
isolated as a group.

The nocebo symptoms are thereby extremely varied and range from allergies, nausea, cases of
dizziness and fainting, from abdominal pains, stomach cramps, behavioural changes and
headaches, right up to hallucinations and actual delusions.

That is also demonstrated with alleged UFO sightings, whereby smaller or larger groups of human
beings succumb to a form of imagination based on visions and see UFOs although none are there,
and this is only because one single person believes to have seen something and thereby causes a
nocebo effect.

As a rule, the nocebo symptoms begin without apparent reason, with one single human being,
however they take effect, as a result of imagination, with others and evoke - in accordance with the
domino effect - an epidemic, because ever more human beings succumb, indeed, in rapid
succession, to the undertow of the nocebo effect.

If symptoms of illness are evoked through the nocebo effect then no pathogen at all can be
localised, because there simply is no pathogen.

Nevertheless, nocebos are infectious, under special circumstances, specifically as a result of
imagination and belief.

By this means, of imagination and belief, entire masses of human beings can - avalanche-like - be
infected. Consequently, on the Earth, every tenth influenza epidemic also leads back to a nocebo
effect because these symptoms are, in this way, also really very infectious.

In order to understand that, it must be comprehended that the human body, and, with it, naturally,
especially the brain, is a biochemical pharmacy, and that, from the brain and its consciousness,
thoughts arise, which create specific feelings.

The entire thing thereby rests on the most varied biological processes which are set in motion, and
to which not only healing factors belong, rather also the dangerous self-destruct mechanism which,
if not strongly and consciously kept under control, can produce a deadly effect.

Thoughts, and the feelings which result from them - through which the psyche is formed as well as
the human body - are very closely bound up with each other and always demand their tribute, and
indeed it is all the same regardless of whether that is recognised or not.

And, the fact that placebo and nocebo effects play an extraordinarily important role in this complex is
proven by the fact that placebos can really alleviate or even heal, while the nocebos' dark might
invokes illness just as much as does any infectious deadly disease.

But the truth is also that, on the entire extent of the Earth, the nocebo effect demands far more
human lives every year than the biggest natural catastrophe to date.

The opiate and dopamine systems in the human brain react to nocebos in a manner which very
quickly has an effect which endangers one's life.

The systems are responsible for the body's own pain alleviation, and if this is disturbed by nocebos,
then everything gets out of control whereby the self-destruct code can act out its might.


Semjase Silver Star Center, May 9th, 2010, 11.57 PM
Translated by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 16th, 2010, Australia


The following is a translation of Billy’s article from FIGU's Special Bulletin, number 55,
August 2010

Die tödliche Macht der Gedanken und Gefühle

The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings

Placebo-Präparate (lat. ‹ich werde gefallen›) sind Scheinmedikamente, die keine medizinischen
Wirkstoffe enthalten, die jedoch im Menschen trotzdem jene Wirkungen hervorrufen, wie diese bei
wirklichen medizinischen Medikamenten in Erscheinung treten.

Placebo preparations, (Latin: "I will please"), only appear to be medications and contain no active
medicinal agent, but, in spite of that, cause effects in the human being, such as those which
become evident with real medicinal medications.

Das bedeutet anders dargelegt, dass Menschen durch Scheinmedikamente resp. Placebo-Präparate
z.B. von Schmerzen befreit oder gar von Leiden geheilt werden.

Put another way, that means that human beings are, for example, freed from pain or are even
healed of suffering by things which only appear to be medicines, that is to say, placebo

Gegensätzlich zu Placebo-Präparaten stehen die sogenannten Nocebo-Präparate (lat. ‹ich werde
schaden›), die ebenfalls Scheinmedikamenten usw. entsprechen und grundlegend auch nichts
anderes sind als Placebos, die in der Regel auf Zucker oder sonstigen unschädlichen Stoffen
aufgebaut sind und daher auch ‹Zuckerpillen› usw. genannt werden.

In contrast to placebo preparations, there are the so-called nocebo preparations (Latin: "I will harm"),
which, likewise, correspond to things which appear to be medicines, and so forth, and which
fundamentally are also nothing other than placebos, which, as a rule, are made of sugar or other
harmless substances and are therefore also called "sugar pills" and so forth.

So kann gesagt werden, dass Placebo- und Nocebo-Präparate eigentlich dasselbe, jedoch in ihrer
Wirkung grundverschieden sind, eben je nachdem, was sich die Patienten in bezug auf die Wirkung
einbilden, wenn sie solche Präparate nehmen.

So, it can be said that placebo and nocebo preparations are essentially the same, however, are
fundamentally different in their effect, exactly in accord with that which the patients, when they take
such preparations, imagine in relation to the effect.

Placebo-Präparate haben so eine Wirkung, die gesundheitsfördernd und schmerzlindernd oder gar
heilend wirkt, während Nocebo-Präparate genau das Gegenteil bewirken.

The effect of placebo preparations is such that they act to promote health and relieve pain, or to
even heal, while nocebo preparations have exactly the opposite effect.

Bei der Einnahme von Nocebo-Präparaten, die ja wahrheitlich auch Placebos sind, werden jedoch
infolge der negativen Einbildung der Patienten negative Effekte wie Schmerzen und Leiden usw.
hervorgerufen, also genau das Gegenteil von dem, wenn Placebos genommen werden, von denen
angenommen wird, dass sie Heilmittel seien.

With the taking of nocebo preparations, which are truly also placebos, negative effects such as pain
and suffering are caused as a result of the patient's negative imagination, therefore exactly the
opposite of that which occurs when placebos, which are assumed to be means of healing, are taken.

Bei der Einnahme von NoceboPräparaten, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie
gesundheitsschädlich oder gar tödlich seien, treten durch Einbildung allerlei Schmerzen, Leiden,
Atemnot, Übelkeit und gar Vergiftungssymptome, Schwindel, Durst, Hunger, schlagartiges Absacken
des Blutdrucks und allerlei andere Dinge in Erscheinung, was bis zum tatsächlichen Tod durch die
Wahnvorstellung führen kann.

With the taking of nocebo preparations, when they are assumed to be damaging to the health or
even deadly, that which comes about as a result of the imagination is: all kinds of pain, suffering,
breathing difficulties, nausea and even symptoms of poisoning, dizziness, thirst, hunger, sudden
sinking of the blood pressure, and all kinds of other things, which can lead to actual death as a
result of the delusion.

Die Macht der Gedanken ist immer mit dementsprechenden Gefühlen verbunden, die ja aus der
Gedankenwelt resultieren, und in dieser Kombination bilden sie eine tödliche Macht, und zwar eben
auch in der Beziehung, wenn irgendwelche Präparate genommen werden, die eigentlich nur
Scheinmedikamente resp. Scheinpräparate oder Scheinstoffe ohne Wirkstoffe und völlig harmlos
sind, die aber negativ wirken und folglich Leiden, Schmerzen oder den Tod herbeiführen sollen.

The might of the thoughts is always bound up with corresponding feelings, which do indeed result
from the world of thoughts, and, in this combination, they form a deadly might, and also precisely in
the context in which some preparation or other is taken - which is essentially only a fake medication,
respectively, fake preparation or fake substance without active agents, and is completely harmless -
but which has negative effects and consequently, as a result of a supposition, introduces suffering,
pain, or death.

So können lebensmüde Menschen sich z.B. tiefeingebildete dunkle Vorstellungen eines
bevorstehenden Unglücks oder vom eigenen Tod machen, die ihn dann tatsächlich auch töten.

So, human beings who are weary of life, can, for example, form deeply impressed, dark imaginations
of an imminent misfortune, or of their own deaths, which actually also then kill them.

Und wenn damit noch die Einnahme von Nocebo-Präparaten resp. von eingebildeten tödlichen
Medikamenten oder sonstigen Mitteln verbunden ist, dann wirken die Gedanken und Gefühle effectiv
als tödliche Macht, wodurch dann der Selbstzerstörungs-Code im menschlichen Körper aktiviert wird.

And if the taking of nocebo preparations - respectively, of imagined, deadly medications or other
substances - is also bound up with that, then the thoughts and feelings have the effect of actual
deadly might, through which the self-destruct code in the human body is activated.

Durch einen solchen Nocebo-Effekt können im Körper dann tatsächlich auch medizinisch z.B.
nachweisbare, reale Vergiftungssymptome entstehen.

Through such a nocebo effect, medical symptoms can actually also then come about in the body: for
example; demonstrable, real symptoms of poisoning.

So kann allein der Glaube resp. die wahnmässige Einbildung daran, dass etwas Schlimmes
geschehen, Leid und Schmerzen oder der Tod eintreten wird, das Leben eines Menschen zerstören.

So, the belief alone - respectively, the delusional imagination - that something bad will happen, that
suffering and pain or death will come about, can destroy the life of a human being.

Der Nocebo-Effekt ist also genau das Gegenteil des Placebo-Effekts, wobei also zu bedenken ist,
dass allein die Macht schlechter Gedanken, Gefühle und Vorstellungen, speziell wenn sie
wahnbedingt sind, den Menschen krank werden und ihn gar den Tod erleiden lassen.

The nocebo effect is therefore exactly the opposite of the placebo effect, whereby, therefore, one
must observe that, alone, the might of bad thoughts, feelings and imaginations - especially when
they are determined by delusion - cause the human being to become ill and even suffer death.

Auch Hypochonder leben in solchen Wahnvorstellungen, wobei sie schwere psychosomatische
Leidensprozesse hervorrufen, jedoch ihre Hypochondrie vehement bestreiten.

Hypochondriacs also live in such delusions, whereby they evoke serious psychosomatic processes
of suffering, however they vehemently deny their hypochondria.

Tatsache ist auch, dass Placebo resp. Nocebo-Präparate nachweisbar physiologische Resultate
zeitigen und also deren Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden können.

The fact also is that placebo, respectively, nocebo, preparations, show demonstrable physiological
results and therefore their effects can be proven.

Damit kann also bewiesen werden, dass Plabeco-Präparate einen eingebildeten positiven Effekt und
Nocebo-Präparate eingebildete negative Wirkungen hervorrufen.

Along with that, it can also be proven that placebo preparations evoke a positive effect as a result of
the imagination and nocebo preparations evoke negative effects as a result of the imagination.

Wird das Nocebo bei jenen Menschen genau betrachtet, die an die negative Präparatwirkung glauben,
dann handelt es sich dabei um eine sich selbst erfüllende negative Prophezeiung.

If the nocebo is precisely observed along with any human being who believes in the negative effect
of the preparation, then it is apparent that this has to do with a self-fulfilling, negative prophecy.

Tatsache ist dabei auch, dass das eingebildete oder das wahre Wissen um eingebildete oder echte
Nebenwirkungen sowie schlimme Erwartungen und Vorstellungen einen sehr schlechten Einfluss auf
die Gesundheit des Menschen ausüben und ihn krank machen oder gar töten können.

It is thereby also a fact that the imagined, or true, knowledge about imagined, or genuine, side
effects - as well as bad expectations and ideas - can exert a very bad influence on the health of the
human being and make him ill or even kill him.

Tatsache ist, dass die Gedanken und Gefühle eine ungeheure Macht auf die Gesundheit des
Menschen ausüben und nicht selten gar über Leben und Tod bestimmen.

The fact is that thoughts and feelings exert a monstrous might on the health of the human being and
not seldom even determine whether one lives or dies.

Angst, düstere Erwartungen, negative Vorstellungen und Sorgen sind ein mindestens ebenso grosser
Negativ- und Risikofaktor in bezug auf die physische und psychische Gesundheit wie z.B. Alkohol,
Nikotin und rein toxische Stoffe.

Angst, gloomy expectations, negative imaginings and worries are - at the very least - just as big a
negative factor and risk factor, in regard to physical and psychic health, as are, for example, alcohol,
nicotine and pure toxic substances.

Das beweist auch die Tatsache, dass etwa 60 Prozent aller Menschen sich schon gesundheitlich
angeschlagen und oft recht schlecht fühlen, wenn sie eine Chemotherapie oder eine sonstige ihnen
nicht gerade geheure Behandlung oder einfach eine Gesundheitsuntersuchung machen müssen.

That is also proven by the fact that approximately 60 percent of all human beings already feel poorly
in relation to their health, and often downright bad, when they have to undertake chemotherapy or
another treatment about which they are uneasy, or simply when they undergo a medical

Allein durch ihre falschen Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefühle fühlen sie sich elend,
schwach und krank, und zwar obwohl es dafür rein physiologisch keinen logischen Anlass gibt.

Through their false thoughts alone - and the feelings resulting from them - they feel miserable, weak
and ill, and, indeed, although there is no logical cause which is purely physiological.

Und dass das der Wahrheit entspricht, beweist die Tatsache, dass etwa 50 Prozent aller
Erkrankungen bei Erkältungswellen nur durch negative Erwartungen sowie Ängste, Sorgen und
negative Vorstellungen zustande kommen.

The fact that approximately 50 percent of all cases of illness, which result from a wave of colds,
comes about only through negative expectations as well as angst, worries and negative ideas,
proves that that corresponds to the truth.

Das beweist, dass allein schon der Glaube an Nebenwirkungen und Wirkungen in bezug auf
Medikamente oder toxische Stoffe ebenso derart machtvoll ist und eingebildete Wirkungen hervorruft
wie die Angst, Sorgen, schlimme Erwartungen und Vorstellungen.

That proves that just the belief alone, in side effects and effects in regard to medications or toxic
substances, is just as mighty and evokes, by means of the imagination, effects which are just as
mighty as do angst, worries, bad expectations and imaginations.

Allein der Glaube, die Einbildung, die Vorstellung, der Wahn an Wirkungen oder Nebenwirkungen von
Medikamenten und toxischen Stoffen, egal ob Präparate der Bezeichnung Placebo oder Nocebo,
aktiviert Warnareale im Gehirn, der sich als Alarm übersetzt und körperliche Beschwerden sowie erst
recht gedanklich-gefühlsmässige Unruhe und damit auch psychische Beeinträchtigungen hervorruft.

Merely the belief, the imagination, the idea and the delusion, about effects or side effects from
medications and toxic substances - regardless of whether they are preparations designated as
placebos or nocebos - activate warning areas in the brain which translates into alarm and evokes
physical difficulties, as well as downright disquiet pertaining to the thoughts and feelings, and
thereby also impairments pertaining to the psyche.

Löst der Placebo-Effekt gesundheitliche Besserung oder Heilung aus, so hat der Nocebo-Effekt eine
genau gegenteilige Wirkung und ist gesundheitsschädlich, gefährlich und unter Umständen gar

While the placebo effect causes health improvements or healing, the nocebo effect has a precisely
opposite effect and is damaging to the health, is dangerous and, under certain circumstances, even

Die diesbezüglich komplizierten Zusammenhänge von Gedanken und deren Gefühlen, der Psyche,
Nerven und des Immunsystems sind dabei von immenser Bedeutung, das können die Psycho-Neuro-
Immunologen schon seit geraumer Zeit nachweisen.

The complicated connections related to this - among the thoughts and their feelings, the psyche,
nerves and the immune system - are thereby of immense significance. The psycho-neuro
immunologists have already been able to demostrate that for a long time.

Die üblichen verdächtigen Krankheitsauslöser wie Alter, Blutdruck, Körpergewicht und
Cholesterinspiegel stellen dabei ein viel geringeres Risiko dar, als allgemein angenommen wird, denn
vielmehr sind es die Gedanken und deren Gefühle, die für körperlich-gesundheitliche Beschwerden
im Vordergrund stehen.

The usual suspected causes of illness, such as age, blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol
level, thereby represent a much less significant risk than is generally assumed, because it is much
more the thoughts and their feelings which stand in the foreground in regard to physical health

Durch medizinische Langzeitstudien kann auch belegt werden, dass z.B. Menschen, die sich
unberechtigt resp. grundlos als herzinfarktgefährdet halten, viermal häufiger an einem Infarkt sterben
als andere, die sich nicht gross Gedanken und Gefühle darum machen.

Through long-term medical studies it can also be shown that, for example, human beings who
unjustifiably, respectively, without reason, consider themselves to be susceptible to heart attacks,
die much more often of heart attacks than others who do not construct big thoughts and feelings
about it.

Und in bezug auf alle Infarkttode schätzen amerikanische Wissenschaftler, dass weltweit fünf Prozent
auf Nocebo-Effekte zurückführen.

And, in regard to all deaths caused by heart attacks, American scientists estimate that, worldwide,
five percent lead back to nocebo effects.

Nebst dem natürlichen Lebenserhaltungstrieb, der den Menschen um sein Leben kämpfen lässt,
existiert in ihm auch ein Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus, der allerdings tief vergraben schlummert,
jedoch jederzeit aktiviert werden kann, wenn es die Not und Situation erfordert, um absolut
Unerträglichem auf natürliche Weise zu entfliehen.

Along with the natural drive to maintain ones life, which causes the human being to fight for his life,
there exists in him also a self-destruct mechanism, which, although slumbering deeply buried, can,
however, be activated at any time when the need and situation require it, in order to flee, in a natural
way, from absolutely unbearable things.

Ist der Mensch jedoch in seinen Gedanken und deren Gefühlen sowie in seinem Lebenswillen nicht
kraftvoll genug, dann kann er diesen Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus auch durch seine
Lebensunfähigkeit und Lebenskraftlosigkeit auslösen.

If, however, the human being is not powerful enough in his thoughts and their feelings, as well as in
his will to live, then he can also trigger this self-destruct mechanism through his incapacity for life
and his powerlessness for life.

Und dieser Unfähigkeit können leider viele Menschen verfallen, folglich diesbezüglich ungeheuer viele
angreifbar sind, denn alles wird gesteuert durch die Macht der Gedanken und deren Gefühle.

And, unfortunately, many human beings can succumb to this incapacity, consequently, in this
regard, an enormous number are susceptible because everything is steered through the might of the
thoughts and their feelings.

Sobald die Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefühle negativ und schlicht übermächtig
werden, kapitulieren die Psyche und der Körper und reagieren mit Beschwerden, mit Schmerzen oder
gar mit Krankheit.

As soon as the thoughts, and the feelings resulting from them, become negatively and simply
overpowering, the psyche and the body capitulate and react with difficulties, with pains or even with

Negative und schlechte Gedanken und deren Gefühle erschaffen also psychische Beschwerden und
gar grosse Schäden, und diese führen im menschlichen Körper zwangsläufig zu sehr dramatischen
psychosomatischen Störungen, die letztlich in wirklichen physischen Krankheiten und Leiden zum
Ausdruck kommen.

Negative and bad thoughts and their feelings therefore create psychic difficulties and even great
damage, and these lead inevitably, in the human body, to very dramatic psychosomatic
disturbances, which ultimately are expressed in real, physical illnesses and suffering.

Wird die Umwelt des Menschen betrachtet, dann steckt diese voller versteckter Nocebo-Fallen,
begonnen bei Beipackzetteln, die mögliche oder wirkliche Nebenwirkungen und Wirkungen von
Medikamenten und allerlei toxischen Stoffen beschreiben.

If the human being's environment is observed then one notices that it is full of hidden nocebo cases,
which have been started by instruction leaflets which describe possible, or actual, side effects and
effects of medicines and all kinds of toxic substances.

Und werden diese Beschriebe von Menschen gelesen, die sich alles einprägen und sich schlimme
Vorstellungen darüber machen und daran glauben, dann erkranken sie tatsächlich an den
beschriebenen Symptomen.

And if these descriptions are read by human beings who imprint everything into themselves and
imagine bad things in relation to them, and believe them, then they actually become ill with the
symptoms described.

So können allein durch die Macht der Gedanken und deren Gefühle unerwünschte
Begleiterscheinungen von Medikamenten heraufbeschworen werden, was dann einem Nocebo-Effekt

So, just through the might of the thoughts and their feelings, undesired side effects of medicines are
invoked which then corresponds to a nocebo effect.

Nocebo-Präparate können beinahe die unmöglichsten Wirkungen hervorrufen, wobei nicht nur
Schmerzen, Übelkeit und Schwindel usw., sondern auch Verwirrung, Kopfschmerzen, Vergesslichkeit,
Verstopfung, Durchfall, Nasenbluten und Müdigkeit sowie Sehschwäche usw. die Folgen sein können.

Nocebo preparations can nearly evoke the most impossible effects, whereby not only pain, nausea,
and dizziness, and so forth, can be the results, but also confusion, headaches, forgetfulness,
constipation, diahareah, nosebleeds and fatigue, as well as poor eyesight, and so forth.

Gleichermassen funktioniert das aber auch gegenteilig mit dem Placebo-Effekt, wenn
Scheinmedikamente usw. als gut, positiv und gesundheitsfördernd erachtet werden.

Contrasting with that, the placebo effect also functions to the same degree, when things which
appear to be medications, and so forth, are thought to be good, positive and promoting of good

Glauben, Einbildungen und Wahnvorstellungen haben eine ungeheure Macht über den Menschen.

Belief, imaginations and delusions have a monstrous might over the human being.

Und wenn der Mensch wirklich glaubt, dass er an einer bestimmten Sache zugrunde geht, dann wird
das tatsächlich auch geschehen, denn wer glaubt, verrennt sich rettungslos in einen Wahn, von dem
er sich kaum oder überhaupt nicht mehr befreien kann, wie das auch beim religiösen und
sektiererischen Gottesglauben der Fall ist.

And if the human really believes that he is ruined by a certain situation, then that will actually also
happen, because whoever believes, hopelessly loses himself in a delusion from which he can
barely, or not at all, free himself any longer, as is also the case with religious and sectarian belief in

Besonders religiös oder sektiererisch tiefgläubige sowie ängstliche und von Sorgen geplagte
Menschen sind empfänglich für Nocebo-Effekte.

Especially human beings who have a deep religious or sectarian belief, as well as those who are
anxious and plagued by worries, are susceptible to the nocebo effect.

Der religiöse und sektiererische Glaube als Wahnvorstellung verkörpert ein ganz besonders
mächtiges Nocebo-Präparat, demgemäss die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt darauf ausgerichtet wird,
dass alles so geschehe, wie im Wahnglauben angenommen wird.

Religious and sectarian belief, as delusion, epitomises a quite especially mighty nocebo preparation.

Accordingly, the world of thoughts and world of feelings are directed such that everything happens
as is assumed in the delusional belief.

Wird der Mensch betrachtet, dann ist festzustellen, dass er sehr stark vom Optimismus und
Pessimismus abhängig und diesbezüglich also beeinflussbar ist.

If the human being is observed then one can determined that he is very strongly dependent upon
optimism and pessimism and is therefore able to be influenced in relation to this.

Optimismus und Pessimismus sind aber Faktoren, die auch psychisch zum Ausdruck kommen,
folglich führen Placebo-Effekte zu positiven Belastungsbefreiungen, während Nocebo-Effekte
psychische Belastungsreaktionen hervorrufen.

But optimism and pessimism are factors which also are expressed by means of the psyche,
consequently, placebo effects lead to positive liberations from burdens, while nocebo effects evoke
reactions which burden the psyche.

Also ist es auch gegeben, dass die Umwelt, die Familie, die Arbeitskollegen, Eltern und Geschwister,
Verwandte, Freunde, Bekannte, Ärzte, Psychologen, Psychiater und auch völlig fremde Personen
einen Placebo- oder Nocebo-Effekt hervorrufen können.

Therefore it is also the case that a placebo or nocebo effect can be evoked by the environment, the
family, colleagues, parents and siblings, relatives, friends, acquaintances, doctors, psychologists,
psychiatrists and also completely unknown persons.

Und dies kann geschehen, ohne dass der dadurch beeinträchtigte oder profitierende Mensch etwas
davon bemerkt.

And this can happen without it being noticed by the human being who is impaired, or who profits,

Damit aber etwas Negatives oder Positives durch einen Nocebo- oder Placebo-Effekt geschehen
kann, ist das wichtigste Werkzeug die Macht des Gehirns resp. die Macht der daraus entstehenden
Gedanken und Gefühle.

But in order for something negative or positive to happen as a result of a nocebo or placebo effect,
the most important tool is the might of the brain, respectively, the might of the thoughts and feelings
which originate from it.

Die Macht der Gedanken und Gefühle ist die beste Apotheke des Lebens – oder das tödlichste Gift
der Lebenszerstörung.

The might of thoughts and feelings is the best pharmacy of life - or the deadliest poison for the
destruction of life.

Die Gedanken und Gefühle vermögen im Körper des Menschen die verschiedensten biologischen
Prozesse in Gang zu setzen, wie z.B. auch die Ausschüttung von positiven oder negativen
Botenstoffen zu aktivieren oder zu blockieren.

In the body of the human being, the thoughts and feelings are capable of setting the most diverse
biological processes in motion, such as, for example, also the activation, or blocking, of the
distribution of positive or negative neurotransmitters.

Also ist das Gehirn fähig, hochwirksame Stoffe positiver oder negativer Art zu produzieren, die jedem
pharmazeutischen Präparat oder toxischen Stoff haushoch überlegen sind.

Therefore the brain is capable of producing highly effective substances of a positive or negative kind,
which are far superior to any pharmaceutical preparation or toxic substance.

Folglich kann das Gehirn wertvolle Prozesse anregen, die die Gesundheit fördern, oder Prozesse
hervorrufen, die den Organismus und das Leben zerstören.

Consequently the brain can stimulate valuable processes which promote health, or evoke processes
which destroy the organism and life.

Die gesamte Produktion der Hormone wird direkt oder indirekt vom Gehirn gesteuert, genauso wie die
Kontrolle aller Körperfunktionen, die Effektivität des Immun- und Schmerzsystems sowie die
Einsatzbereitschaft usw.

The entire production of hormones is directly or indirectly steered by the brain, exactly as is the
control of all bodily functions, the efficacy of the immune, and pain, systems, and the readiness for
action, and so forth.

Die Gedanken und deren Gefühle der inneren Einstellung haben daher einen sehr grossen Einfluss
auf die Wirksamkeit von Medikamenten, toxischen Stoffen sowie von Therapien usw., und diese
entscheiden über den individuellen Verlauf der Wirkungen in bezug auf Placebo- und Nocebo-Effekte
– so also in letzter Konsequenz über Leben und Tod.

The thoughts, and their feelings, of one's internal attitude, have therefore a very great influence on
the efficacy of medicines, toxic substances, as well as of therapies, and so forth, and these decide
the individual course of effects in regard to placebo and nocebo effects - so, therefore, ultimately
over life and death.

Gedanken und deren Gefühle, wenn sie in ihrem Ursprung betrachtet werden, sind wahrheitlich nur
eine Mischung aus Chemikalien und elektrischen Schaltkreisen im Gehirn.

Thoughts, and their feelings, when they are observed in their origin, are truly only a mixture of
chemicals and electrical circuits in the brain.

Diese entwickeln sich dauernd neu und verändern sich.

These constantly evolve anew and change.

So kommt es auch, dass jene Hirnregionen, die mit der Heilung durch Gedanken und Gefühle
zusammenhängen, dementsprechend stimuliert werden, und dies nebst dem schlummernden
Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus, der auf eine passende Gelegenheit lauert.

So it also comes about that every region of the brain, which is associated with healing through
thoughts and feelings, is correspondingly stimulated, as is the case with the dormant self-destruct
mechanism which lies in wait for a suitable opportunity.

Daher ist es auch möglich, dass negative, dunkle Gedanken und Gefühle einen Menschen töten

Therefore it is also possible that negative, dark thoughts and feelings can kill a human being.
Angst, Wahnvorstellungen, Glauben, Todesfurcht, Hoffnungslosigkeit und Panik zerstören
unweigerlich das sensible Gleichgewicht der menschlichen Psyche und des Körpers, weil sie alles
krank machen.

Angst, delusional imaginings, belief, fear of death, hopelessness and panic unavoidably destroy the
sensitive equilibrium of the human psyche and body, because they make everything ill.

Die guten und schlechten gedanklich-gefühlsmässigen Erwartungen des Menschen haben eine
unheimliche Macht und formen die Wirklichkeit demgemäss, wie die Gedanken und deren Gefühle

Those human expectations, which stem from good and bad thoughts and their feelings, have an
incredible might, and form reality according to the nature of the thoughts and their feelings.

Der grundlegende Faktor, der letztlich alles arrangiert, ist die durch die Gedanken und Gefühle
geformte Psyche, deren negative Auswirkungen den Menschen tatsächlich töten können.

The fundamental factor, which ultimately arranges everything, is the psyche - formed by the
thoughts and feelings - the negative effects of which can actually kill the human being.

Wie jeder biologische Tod seine bestimmten Gründe hat, so hat eben auch der Tod durch einen
Nocebo-Effekt seinen Grund.

Just as every biological death has its certain reasons, so indeed does death resulting from a nocebo
effect also have its reason.

Angst, Panik und Gedanken und Gefühle als Nocebo-Effekt in bezug auf eine Gefahr greifen beim
Menschen das Immunsystem resp. den Körperschutzschild an.

With the human, angst, panic and thoughts and feelings, as a nocebo effect in regard to a danger,
attack the immune system, respectively the body's protective shield.

Tritt Angst oder Panik in Erscheinung, dann schaltet das Steuerzentrum im Gehirn und schickt eigene
Abwehrmechanismen ins Blut hinein.

If angst and panic come about then the control centre in the brain switches and sends its own
defence mechanism into the blood.

Dadurch verzehnfacht sich der Adrenalinspiegel und das Immunsystem wird auf volle Leistung

The adrenalin level thereby increases tenfold and the immune system is stimulated into full

Wird jedoch dieser Zustand zu lange aufrechterhalten, wenn die negativen Erwartungen und die Panik
zu lange aktiv bleiben, dann wird die Belastung zu gross und das System wird löchrig.

However, if this state is maintained for too long - if the negative expectations and the panic remain
active for too long - then the burden becomes too great and the system becomes full of holes.

Dadurch wird es dann möglich, dass Bakterien, Schadstoffe und Viren in das körpereigene
Immunsystem durchbrechen und so den Organismus hilflos den Angreifern ausliefern.

It thereby becomes possible that bacteria, harmful substances and viruses break through into the
body's own immune system and thus leave the organism helplessly at the mercy of the attackers.

Der Nocebo-Effekt vermag nicht nur Krankheiten auszulösen, sondern er verursacht und
verschlimmert messbar auch Schmerzen, so alles viel schlimmer wirkt, als es wirklich ist.

The nocebo effect is not only able to cause illnesses, rather it also measurably causes and worsens
pain, so everything seems much worse than it really is.

Der Schmerz-Code der Nocebos ist ein Botenstoff mit der Bezeichnung CCK resp. Cholecystokinin.

The nocebos' pain code is a neurotransmitter with the name CCK, respectively, Cholecystokinin.

Dieser wird bei Angst und Panik im Darm gebildet und löst im Gehirn eine Schmerzreaktion aus.

This is formed in the intestines as a result of angst and panic, and causes a pain reaction in the

Gestoppt werden kann resp. könnte dieser Vorgang nur durch den Botenstoff Dopamin, doch ist das
in der Regel nicht möglich, wenn negative und schlimme Erwartungen usw. die Produktion dieses
schützenden Transmitters blockieren, folglich aus Angst blanker Schmerz wird.

This process can - that is to say, could - only be stopped by the neurotransmitter dopamine, but, as
a rule, that is not possible when negative and bad expectations, and so forth, block the production of
these protective transmitters. Consequently, angst becomes sheer pain.

Der Nocebo-Effekt trifft nicht nur einzelne Menschen, sondern es können auch grössere
Menschengruppen davon betroffen sein, wie z.B. in bezug auf eine Massenhysterie.

The nocebo effect applies not only to individual human beings, rather larger groups of human
beings can also be effected by it, as for example, in regard to mass hysteria.

Dieses Phänomen, dass der Nocebo-Effekt eine Epidemie auslöst, tritt immer wieder in Erscheinung,
und zwar insbesondere dort, wo Menschen sich zu grösseren Gruppierungen versammeln.

These phenomena, whereby the nocebo effect causes an epidemic, occur again and again, and
indeed especially where human beings gather in larger groups.

In der Regel treten solche Nocebo-Epidemien besonders häufig in Büroräumen, in Fabriken sowie in
Schulen oder bei Veranstaltungen auf, wo eben viele Menschen zusammentreffen und irgendwie als
Gruppen isoliert sind.

As a rule, such nocebo epidemics emerge especially often in offices spaces, in factories, as well as
in schools, or at events where, indeed, many human beings meet together and are somehow
isolated as a group.

Die Nocebo-Symptome sind dabei äusserst vielfältig und reichen von Allergien, Übelkeit, Schwindelund
Ohnmachtsanfällen, von Magenschmerzen, Bauchkrämpfen, Verhaltensveränderungen und
Kopfschmerzen bis hin zu Halluzinationen und effectiven Wahnvorstellungen.

The nocebo symptoms are thereby extremely varied and range from allergies, nausea, cases of
dizziness and fainting, from abdominal pains, stomach cramps, behavioural changes and
headaches, right up to hallucinations and actual delusions.

Das erweist sich auch bei angeblichen UFO-Sichtungen, bei denen kleinere oder grössere Gruppen
von Menschen einer Art visionären Einbildung verfallen und UFOs sehen, obwohl keine vorhanden
sind; und dies nur, weil eine einzelne Person etwas zu sehen glaubt und dadurch einen Nocebo-Effekt

That is also demonstrated with alleged UFO sightings, whereby smaller or larger groups of human
beings succumb to a form of imagination based on visions and see UFOs although none are there,
and this is only because one single person believes to have seen something and thereby causes a
nocebo effect.

In der Regel beginnen die Nocebo-Symptome ohne ersichtlichen Grund bei einem einzelnen
Menschen, wirken sich jedoch durch Einbildung auf andere aus und rufen nach dem Domino-Prinzip
eine Epidemie hervor, weil eben in schneller Folge immer mehr Menschen dem Sog des Nocebo-
Effekts verfallen.

As a rule, the nocebo symptoms begin without apparent reason, with one single human being,
however they take effect, as a result of imagination, with others and evoke - in accordance with the
domino effect - an epidemic, because ever more human beings succumb, indeed, in rapid
succession, to the undertow of the nocebo effect.

Werden durch Nocebo-Effekte Krankheitssymptome hervorgerufen, dann können jedoch keinerlei
Erreger lokalisiert werden – weil es schlichtweg keine gibt.

If symptoms of illness are evoked through the nocebo effect then no pathogen at all can be
localised, because there simply is no pathogen.

Nichtsdestoweniger sind Nocebos unter besonderen Umständen ansteckend – eben durch Einbildung
und Glaube.

Nevertheless, nocebos are infectious, under special circumstances, specifically as a result of
imagination and belief.

In dieser Weise der Einbildung und des Glaubens können lawinenartig ganze Massen von Menschen
infiziert werden, folgedem auf der Erde auch jede zehnte Grippe-Epidemie auf einen Nocebo-Effekt
zurückzuführen ist, weil diese Symptome auch in dieser Weise wirklich sehr ansteckend wirken.

By this means, of imagination and belief, entire masses of human beings can - avalanche-like - be
infected. Consequently, on the Earth, every tenth influenza epidemic also leads back to a nocebo
effect because these symptoms are, in this way, also really very infectious.

Um das zu verstehen, muss begriffen werden, dass der menschliche Körper, und damit natürlich
speziell das Gehirn, eine biochemische Apotheke ist und dass aus dem Gehirn und dessen
Bewusstsein Gedanken hervorgehen, die spezifische Gefühle erschaffen.

In order to understand that, it must be comprehended that the human body, and, with it, naturally,
especially the brain, is a biochemical pharmacy, and that, from the brain and its consciousness,
thoughts arise, which create specific feelings.

Das Ganze beruht dabei auf verschiedensten biologischen Prozessen, die in Gang gesetzt werden,
wozu nicht nur Heilungsfaktoren gehören, sondern auch der gefährliche
Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus, der, wenn er nicht stark und bewusst unter Kontrolle gehalten wird,
eine tödliche Wirkung zeitigen kann.

The entire thing thereby rests on the most varied biological processes which are set in motion, and
to which not only healing factors belong, rather also the dangerous self-destruct mechanism which,
if not strongly and consciously kept under control, can produce a deadly effect.

Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefühle, wodurch die Psyche geformt wird, sowie der Körper
des Menschen, sind sehr eng miteinander verbunden und fordern immer ihren Tribut, und zwar ganz
gleich, ob das erkannt wird oder nicht.

Thoughts, and the feelings which result from them - through which the psyche is formed as well as
the human body - are very closely bound up with each other and always demand their tribute, and
indeed it is all the same regardless of whether that is recognised or not.

Und dass in diesem Komplex Placebo- und Nocebo-Effekte eine ungemein wichtige Rolle spielen,
das beweist die Tatsache, dass Placebos wirklich lindern oder gar heilen können, während die dunkle
Macht der Nocebos genauso krankheitserregend ist wie jede ansteckende tödliche Krankheit.

And, the fact that placebo and nocebo effects play an extraordinarily important role in this complex is
proven by the fact that placebos can really alleviate or even heal, while the nocebos' dark might
invokes illness just as much as does any infectious deadly disease.

Wahrheit ist aber auch, dass auf der ganzen Weite der Erde der Nocebo-Effekt jedes Jahr weit mehr
Menschenleben fordert als die bisher grössten Naturkatastrophen.

But the truth is also that, on the entire extent of the Earth, the nocebo effect demands far more
human lives every year than the biggest natural catastrophe to date.

Das Opiat- und Dopamin-System im menschlichen Gehirn reagiert auf Nocebos in einer Art und
Weise, die sehr schnell lebensgefährlich wirkt.

The opiate and dopamine systems in the human brain react to nocebos in a manner which very
quickly has an effect which endangers one's life.

Die Systeme sind für die körpereigene Schmerzlinderung verantwortlich, und wenn diese durch
Nocebos gestört werden, dann gerät alles ausser Kontrolle, wodurch der Selbstzerstörungs-Code
seine Macht ausspielen kann.

The systems are responsible for the body's own pain alleviation, and if this is disturbed by nocebos,
then everything gets out of control whereby the self-destruct code can act out its might.


Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, 9. Mai 2010, 23.57 h
Semjase Silver Star Center, May 9th, 2010, 11.57 PM
Translated by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 16th, 2010, Australia