Excerpt from OM - Kanon 32

The following unofficial, preliminary translation by Vivienne Legg, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:58 Durch das Niederfallen und Sichsammeln einzelner Wassertropfen in einem Kruge füllt er sich langsam; dasselbe Gestz gilt für den Lernenden der Wahrheit und Weisheit und des Wissens.

Canon 32:58 Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and knowledge.



Kanon 32:247 Der Ungerechte quält und tötet seine Mitmenschen durch Strafe, der Weise aber ist milde und nachsichtig und also geduldig, jedoch stetig mahnend zu den Fehlbaren und Schuldbaren, deshalb ist er der Strengere.

Canon 32:247 The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter.



Kanon 32:314 Der Ungerechte quält und tötet seine Mitmenschen durch Strafe, der Weise aber ist milde und nachsichtig und also geduldig, jedoch stetig mahnend zu den Fehlbaren und Schuldbaren, deshalb ist er der Strengere.

Canon 32:314 If there are no mighty ones, rather only spirit leaders among the people, then the human of the Earth lives inwardly and outwardly in true paradise.

Kanon 32:315 Wenn es keine Mächtigen, sondern nur Geistführer unter den Menschen gäbe, dann lebte der Mensch der Erde innen und aussen im wahrlichen Paradiese.

Canon 32:315 If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people are thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them.


This was first published here.


The following unofficial translation by Dyson Devine, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:507 Unwissen ist unbeständig, wie die vom Wind getriebene Wolke.

Canon 32:507 Ignorance is impermanent, like clouds driven before the wind.



Kanon 32:632 Geheiligt ist der Mensch, der fröhlich warten gelernt hat.

Canon 32:632 Blessed is he who has learned to wait joyously.



Kanon 32:716 Wenn Feuer nicht auf Dürres und Brennbares fällt, dann erlischt es.

Canon 32:716 Where fire finds nothing dry and flammable, it goes out.



Kanon 32:834 Arbeiten ist besser als sinnlos beten.

Canon 32:834 Work is better than senseless prayer.



Kanon 32:988 Ein Weiser schläft nicht in weichen Betten.

Canon 32:988 A wise man does not sleep in a soft bed.



Kanon 32:992 Wer sich selbst lobt, ist ein Narr, oder er hat böse Nachbarn.

Canon 32:992 He who praises himself is a fool or has bad neighbors.



Kanon 32:1068 Schöne Worte sind selten wahr, wahre Worte aber night schön.

Canon 32:1068 Beautiful words are seldom true, true words are seldom beautiful.



Kanon 32:1076 Zuerst trinkt der Mensch Alkohol, dann trinkt der Alkohol Alkohol, und schlussendlich trinkt der Alkohol den Menschen.

Canon 32:1076 First man drinks alcohol, then alcohol drinks alcohol, finally alcohol drinks the man.



Kanon 32:1117 Die Ehre eines Menschen ist wichtiger als Geld und Gut.

Canon 32:1117 A human’s honor is more important than money and possessions.



Kanon 32:1126 Feuer reinigt das Gold und verschlingt das Holz.

Canon 32:1126 Fire purifies gold and consumes wood.



Kanon 32:1169 Der goldene Schlüssel der Wahrheit öffnet alle Türen.

Canon 32:1169 The golden key of truth opens all doors.



Kanon 32:1183 Schlechte Bücher sind die grössten Diebe.

Canon 32:1183 Bad books are the greatest thief.



Kanon 32:1189 Eine Lüge kann noch so schnell sein, die Wahrheit wird sie überholen.

Canon 32:1189 No matter how fast a lie can be it can always be overtaken by the truth.



Kanon 32:1244 Kein Lehrer ersetzt eine Mutter.

Canon 32:1244 No teacher can replace a mother.



Kanon 32:1363 Wer die Ehre Verliert, der verliert alles.

Canon 32:1363 He who loses his honor loses everything.



Kanon 32:1386 Goldener Schmuck macht den Menschen nicht besser.

Canon 32:1386 Golden jewelry does not make a person better.



Kanon 32:1421 Je enger der Käfig ist, umso schöner erscheint die Freiheit.

Canon 32:1421 The smaller the cage, the more beautiful freedom appears.


This was first published here.


The following unofficial translation by Dyson Devine, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:1480 Keine Antwort ist eine klare Antwort.

Canon 32:1480 No answer is a clear answer.



Kanon 32:1482 Wo Feuer ist, dort ist auch Rauch.

Canon 32:1482 Where there is fire there is also smoke.



Kanon 32:1692 Wer viele Feinde hat, der hat auch viele Ehre.

Canon 32:1692 He who has many enemies also has much honor./p>



Kanon 32:1729 Wissen versetzt Berge, Glaube aber macht Sklaven.

Canon 32:1729 Knowledge moves mountains. Belief makes slaves.



Kanon 32:1766 Wer die Nuss nicht knackt. der kommt nicht an der Kern.

Canon 32:1766 He who does not crack the nut will not come to the kernel.


This was first published here.


The following unofficial translation by Dyson Devine, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:1979 ...

Canon 32:1979 There are not enough shovels to bury the truth.



Kanon 32:2059 ...

Canon 32:2059 The dawn breaks even without the rooster’s crow.



Kanon 32:2145 ...

Canon 32:2145 All wise people are brothers and sisters.



Kanon 32:2164 ...

Canon 32:2164 The more a wise person gives, the more he has.



Kanon 32:2168 ...

Canon 32:2168 The palaces of the powerful and the priests are full of gold; the huts of the wise are full of love and righteousness.



Kanon 32:2171 ...

Canon 32:2171 The most priceless treasures are the truth, the knowledge the love and the logic in wisdom.



Kanon 32:2196 ...

Canon 32:2196 When you are thirsty it’s too late to dig a well.



Kanon 32:2202 ...

Canon 32:2202 In the teeth of the fox, the chicken has no more choices.


This was first published here.


The following translation by Catherine Mossman, Canada,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:2239 Alle Menschen sind von Natur aus gleich, doch ihre Erziehung und Selbsterziehung verändern sie und machen sie verschieden, wonach sie dann nach bestimmten Schwingungen und Impulsen leben.

Canon 32:2239 All human beings are by nature equal, however their upbringing and self-education alter them and make them different after which they then live according to particular vibrations and impulses.


This was first published here.


The following unofficial translation by Dyson Devine, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 32:2256 ...

Canon 32:2256 One cannot clean a spot with dirty fingers.



Kanon 32:2304 ...

Canon 32:2304 He who holds back the truth buries all the gold in the world.



Kanon 32:2339 ...

Canon 32:2339 He who is afraid to ask is ashamed to learn.



Kanon 32:2414 ...

Canon 32:2414 Words are like leaves; acts are like fruit.

Kanon 32:2415 ...

Canon 32:2415 The dead always go with the flow.



Kanon 32:2419 ...

Canon 32:2419 Ignorance is freely chosen unhappiness.



Kanon 32:2423 ...

Canon 32:2423 Proverbs are made by the wise, but fools copy them in speech and writing and falsify them.



Kanon 32:2465 ...

Canon 32:2465 To be without guilt means to be without worry.


This was first published here.


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