The following is an unauthorized preliminary translation (by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg) of material in collaboration with Michael Uyttebroek. It may contain errors.
March 2006
FIGU-Sonder-Bulletin Nr. 16, Januar 2005
FIGU-Special-Bulletin No. 16, January 2005
2. In other contact conversations, aspects of depravity through criminality, wrongdoing and prostitution, and so forth, were also addressed whereby, again and again, it would be pointed out that the starting point, respectively, the root cause of all negative events, leads solely back to overpopulation and to the irresponsibility and the selfishness and high-handedness of Earth humans.
4. Doch dergleichen haben sie seit alters her nichts Wertvolles getan, weil ihr Sinn stets nur auf Macht und eigenen Profit ausgerichtet war - und das ist so geblieben bis heute.
5. Nun, im 373. offiziellen Kontaktgespräch kam die Rede darauf, dass "Billy" (BEAM) schon im Alter von 14 Jahren einen langen Brief an die Verantwortlichen der Welt verfasst und diesen 3000fach vervielfältigt (mit Hilfe seines Lehrers Gustav Lehmann) und an alle Regierungen der Erde sowie an massgebende Organisationen, Zeitungen, Journale und Schulen usw. gesandt hat, ohne dass er jedoch jemals Antwort darauf erhielt oder dass etwas von den Angeschriebenen unternommen wurde.
5. Now, in the 373rd official contact conversation, the discussion came about that “Billy” (BEAM), at the age of 14 years, already wrote a long letter to the responsible ones of the world and sent 3000 copies (with help of his teacher Gustav Lehmann) to all the governments of Earth as well as to decisive organizations, newspapers, journals and schools, etc., without ever having received an answer or without something being undertaken from what was written.
6. “Billy” Eduard A. Meier wrote and formulated his letter in accordance with prophetic and predicting statements and explanations that had been presented to him by his fatherly friend Sfath.
7. Dieser Brief ging im Laufe der Zeit den Weg des Vergänglichen, doch als am 21. Januar 2005 das Gespräch darauf kam, erklärte Ptaah, dass er von Asket, einer seiner Nichten, ein Exemplar des Schreibens erhalten habe, das alles zwar schon sehr verblasst, jedoch sicher noch lesbar gemacht werden könne.
7. In the course of time this letter went the way of the perishable. However, as the conversation about it came up on January 21, 2005, Ptaah explained that he had received a copy of the letter from Asket, one of his nieces, and although everything was indeed already very faded, it could certainly still be made legible.
8. This letter that “Billy” had penned in his boyhood years, and had spread world-wide after being made legible again by a specialist, should now once again come into validity, and indeed by being published on the Internet.
who are responsible for the welfare of Earth and its entire humanity, in addition to individual people of all nations, to the highest of the authorities and their senior governments; and to all the responsible ones of the authorities and governments as well as to each single person, I want to speak the following words of warning: my fatherly friend Sfath instructed me in a prophetic and predicting way in many kinds of things that will come about on Earth in the future and will bring no joy.
11. Diese Dinge, die teils geändert werden können, teils jedoch unveränderbar eintreffen, will ich folgendermassen auslegen: ist es sechs Jahre her, dass der Zweite Weltkrieg sein unrühmliches Ende gefunden hat, der von 1939 bis 1945 dauerte und rund 62 Millionen Menschen das Leben gekostet hat.