The following unofficial and unauthorized translation by Larry Driscoll, USA, January 20, 2014,
is an excerpt from 450th Official Contact Report, Wednesday, May 30, 2007,
from Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports - Block 11, pages 177-178 and pages 183-186.
German Original | English Translation |
Auszüge aus dem 450. offiziellen Kontaktgespräch |
Excerpts from the 450th official contact conversation |
Billy: … |
Billy: Hello Ptaah, indeed already you are here, dear friend. I was just drinking coffee when you have called. Originally, I did not expect you back until Friday. Be greeted and welcome. |
Ptaah: 1. … |
Ptaah: 1. Be you also greeted by me, my kind friend. |
2. … |
2. Yes, I come here today because it is not possible for me on the weekend. |
3. … |
3. Enjana will represent me regarding the correction work, when Bernadette is finished with the work up of the last report. |
Billy: … |
Billy: This will certainly be the case, because indeed the report is not substantial. Nevertheless, however it is good, if Enjana comes, so that not too much accumulates in the reports. However, what is so important and urgent which you want to tell me, as you explained, when you had called me? |
Ptaah: 4. … |
Ptaah: 4. It is concerned about the aliens unknown to us, who operate in Earth space. |
5. … |
5. In fact, we endeavor for considerable time, not to enter into contact with these aliens, as I already have explained to you for some time. |
6. … |
6. Nonetheless, however, this did not stop nor hinder us, from discovering their origin and endeavors upon Earth. |
7. … |
7. Also, I said to you, that these aliens had at their disposal aircraft, which again and again were able to be observed by Earth humans. |
8. … |
8. Now about them I must explain that something has arisen from our ongoing investigations regarding the aliens, which throws a somewhat different light to the total. |
9. … |
9. Something we have been able to discover only just 12 days ago, is that all of the different aircraft, which we have attributed to the aliens, are not alone applicable to these, for actually part of the aircraft belong to still two other groups of extraterrestrial origin. |
10. … |
10. But also with these, it was and is impossible, to enter into contact with them. |
11. … |
11. In all evidently it is also such, that all three groups have nothing to do with one another and thus also have no contact with one another, as they however as well certainly have no knowledge of our presence. |
12. … |
12. In fact, all of these three groups possess a technology, which makes it impossible for us to enter into contact with them, for regarding this we have found out, why this is so, which is because their technology equipment and apparatuses are not at the level to receive our signals. |
13. … |
13. However, as well in another way, this is because the material alloy of their aircraft reflects our signals and their positioning apparatus is not reached. |
14. … |
14. Anyway – also this we have newly discovered – is that the entire technology of all three alien groups is far inferior to our technology, which for us means, that we must execute a certain caution, because we are not able to evaluate the fundamental convictions of the aliens. |
15. … |
15. The low technology of the aliens is obviously the reason, why they also, up till now with absolute certainty, are not able to find us and their low technological position is for us also an indication, that they are incapable for contact in higher form and therefore with us. |
16. … |
16. In accordance with their technology and consciousness evolution – of this we must take as a starting point – they would not be able to cope with our position of consciousness evolution, which could lead to very dangerous reactions, if nevertheless contacts were undertaken. |
17. … |
17. What now however concerns the three different groups of aliens to us, is to say, that these according to our most extensive, intensive and exact clarifications in no way whatsoever maintain contact amongst one another and likely do not even have knowledge of one another. |
18. … |
18. Consequently, this is what our various clarifications show. |
19. … |
19. And it is absolutely certain that, all three groups of these aliens in no way whatsoever during the last 350 years have or have had open contacts to any Earth humans. |
20. … |
20. Regarding this in the last few days detailed clarification in form of extremely extensive and exact historical research was carried out by us, which in no way whatsoever has resulted in any contact between these three, for us alien groups, and any Earth humans. |
21. … |
21. Regarding this our equipment and apparatuses, etc., are very exact and infallible, as a result we can say with absolute certainty, that among these three alien groups of extraterrestrials – or perhaps from Earth’s future, which also could be the case – in no way whatsoever have contacts taken place with Earth humans. |
Billy: … |
Billy: So then there are, aside from you, still three different groups of extraterrestrials or from the Earth’s future on our world, who circle around our world. Your surprise is inspired. However now, are these actually all, or can it not just be, that still others are whizzing around here? |
Ptaah: 22. … |
Ptaah: 22. No, other Earth aliens are not here with absolute certainty, because our very highly developed apparatuses and equipment work without failure, as a result we are informed about these present extraterrestrials, or from the Earth’s future, undoubtedly and with absolute certainty. |
23. … |
23. The fact that we were able to establish this only a few days ago, that it concerns about the three different groups who are alien to us, is because things have arisen, through which we first now have become attentive of them, in that the three most different aircraft do not belong to one group. |
24. … |
24. Therefore, we fathomed the whole matter far back, respectively, for around 350 years into the past, where we came upon the facts about the three groups and we were able to align them with our present researches, which provided and still provides evidence to us of the three groups of aliens. |
Billy: … |
Billy: It was worth it. Thanks for your information. |
… |
... a few pages later Billy again returns to the subject matter of The Three Alien Groups as he speaks to Ptaah ... |
Billy: … |
Billy: What to me relating to the three alien groups of extraterrestrials or from Earth’s future, or what may be about them, still would be interesting is the following: Have you information about them, how many different aircraft the individual groups have? And secondly, have you gained knowledge about them, as to what things these three groups on the Earth pursue? And thirdly, it would be interesting to know, why you just now have come to know about the fact, that three different groups exist? Fourthly, why have you not established these facts, when you around 200 years into the past have discovered all regarding the first group of aliens? |
Ptaah: 73. … |
Ptaah: 73. That in fact it is about three alien groups, was established only a few days ago, because we have received through the Sonaer new equipment and apparatuses, by which we were in the position, to penetratingly sense and examine their aircraft, unnoticed by the aliens. |
74. … |
74. This new equipment helps also to sense space a great deal more exact for all sorts of objects than even was possible with our devices up to now. |
75. … |
75. As … |
Billy: … |
Billy: Excuse me please, if I interrupt you. By sense and examine do you just mean to scan, as this would be called by us, am I correct? |
Ptaah: 76. … |
Ptaah: 76. Yes, that is what I meant. |
77.… |
77. Thus, we were able to scan the aircraft through the new instruments and controls, whereupon we, also established with the alien aircraft, that they had arisen from three different fundamental technologies, which differed from one another and clearly could only be attributed to three different technological development positions. |
78. … |
78. Finally it then proved to be, that also the crews of the aircraft of each of the individual three technology forms are so fundamentally different, and that they in no way whatsoever have a relation to one another. |
79. … |
79. Partially, we were able to ascertain the position of consciousness evolution of all three groups, whereupon these positions demonstrated three different and from one another sharply, contrasting planes of evolutions. |
80. … |
80. Along with this we also ascertained the fact, that the three groups in no way whatsoever have knowledge of one another and thus also no contact among themselves. |
Billy: … |
Billy: So you know more than you first have stated. |
Ptaah: 81. … |
Ptaah: 81. Also accordingly you have not asked. |
Billy: … |
Billy: Always one must ask. Then please continue now further, in response to my question. As well, it is interesting to me, whether you have not come into conflict with your directives with the scanning of the consciousnesses of the crews? |
Ptaah: 82. … |
Ptaah: 82. Of course, there was no conflict on this matter, because the exploration of the consciousness position of humans is permitted to us, for this has nothing to do with the penetration into those areas of personality, which we are not permitted to ascertain. |
83. … |
83. Yet now to your question: |
84. … |
84. As far as it goes regarding the number of registered aircraft by us of the three for us alien groups, so this amounts to a total number now of 216 as registered by us, although we still have no data in regard to how many aircraft currently belong to which group. |
85. … |
85. The number of different aircraft however is known to us, which amounts to 74 of them, and this applies for all three groups in total. |
Billy: … |
Billy: And once again a question about this: These ships or just aircraft, according to your indication; are these constantly in Earth space? |
Ptaah: 86. … |
Ptaah: 86. No, this is not the case, for they vanish again and again, although we however are not able to establish to where. |
87. … |
87. Then suddenly they simply are there again, before we are able to ascertain any coordinates. |
88. … |
88. And as now the question might arise, what these three alien groups do here on the Earth, I can only say, that we do not know. |
89. … |
89. Indeed, a realization regarding this that we have made for certain, is that, atmospheric as well as geological research was carried out by at least one group. |
90. … |
90. As far as your question goes as to, why we did not recognize with our first clarifications up to the time of about 200 years back, with the to us aliens, in that it is about three different groups and completely different life forms, it is because we were still not in the possession of scanning equipment and apparatuses, through which we would have been able to clear up all information exactly. |
91. … |
91. First, as already explained at our request the Sonaer made ready, their high technology for our use, which made the clearing up possible for us. |
92. … |
92. Indeed we likewise have scanning equipment already for a very long time, but as a result of particular radiations of the alien aircraft it was not possible with these, to scan the aircraft and its crew, because our scanning impulses were always bounced back. |
93. … |
93. Today we know that the reason for this lies in the metal alloy of the alien aircraft, although in fact strangely enough with all three groups, these clearly in no way whatsoever stand in alliance with one another and evidently have no knowledge of one another. |
94. … |
94. Also - before you ask- we were not able to establish, whether the three alien groups maintained any stations on the Earth, for we were able to find nothing of this sort with our best and newest equipment. |
Billy: … |
Billy: Aha, so thus it is so. It would be nice, if I do not always have to ask first, in order to find out more exact details. From my part I thought – according to your earlier explanation – that you no longer made effort about the aliens, which you now nevertheless have done. Is this not a contradiction? |
Ptaah: 95. … |
Ptaah: 95. It was not conscious to me that you wanted to know more about them. |
96. … |
96. In fact, you usually always ask, - |
97. … |
97. No, our clearing up corresponds not to a contradiction to that, which I said to you, for my words only apply to further attempts regarding a contact opening with the aliens. |
98. … |
98. My speaking was thus not to be taken, that we ourselves would no longer endeavor about knowledge regarding the history and kind of aircraft and their crews. |
Billy: … |
Billy: Naturally, indeed normally I ask, if something interests me. And regarding, that you, yourselves no longer endeavor about a contact with the aliens, then I simply misunderstood something. |
The following unofficial and unauthorized translation by Larry Driscoll on February 26, 2013,
is an excerpt from 450th Official Contact Report of Wednesday, May 30, 2007,
from Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports - Block 11, pages 185-187.
German Original | English Translation |
Billy: … |
Billy: Still a question with regard to the letter “To All Governments and Other Responsible Persons of the World”; presently, there is a whole group of noted scientists, among whom are Nobel Prize winners also, who obstinately maintain, that the whole thing with climate change is nothing more and nothing less than a panic mongering and false story, about which corresponds not a single word of truth. Truthfully, with climate change, it is a matter of a purely natural process, which virtually, periodically, again and again, recurs, which, for example, is to be proved by analyses of layers of earth and ice, which is conveyed from great depths to daylight. All of this contradicts the statements of those scientists, who speak exactly the opposite and offer other research results, as they however contradict your statements and explanations also. |
Ptaah: 102. … |
Ptaah: 102. This is known to me. |
103. … |
103. The denying of real truth is pursued by an irresponsible know-it-all group, who base their claims in pure stupidity, ignorance of truth and irresponsibility. |
104. … |
104. This is the same as well, for the mentioned, know-it-all scientists who boast the titles of doctor and professor for themselves. |
105. … |
105. Of course it corresponds to indisputable truth, that periodic, far-reaching climate changes proceed on Earth and arouse enormous revolutions, which correspond to both nature and the rotation of the sun and the activity of the planets as well as the activity of the sun and cosmic influences. |
106. … |
106. The effects of these periodic climate changes are deposited as detectable traces in the Earth realm in exactly the same way as in the ice of glaciers, the Arctic and Antarctica as well. |
107. … |
107. However, what arises now already for considerable time as well as in the present and future regarding climate change and the all from it resulting changes in the entirety of nature, like enormous thunderstorms, earthquakes and volcano activity, wherefrom originates much disaster and death for human beings, all wildlife and the animal world as well as severest devastations and destructions, has nothing more to do with natural, periodic climate changes, etc. |
108. … |
108. Truthfully is the already decades ago initiated, present, existing and still very much further degenerating climate change caused only and alone through the fault of terrestrial humanity and still pushes further ahead. |
109. … |
109. The true guilt in the already existing climate catastrophe carries thus only and alone to the Earth human, who has created through his stupidity a gross overpopulation, which can no longer be coped with by terrestrial nature and the planet. |
110. … |
110. The reason being, because endless problems are created by this overpopulation, which from the need for many and diverse goods as well as through the resulting output, toxic and climate destructing emissions are created. |
111. … |
111. The larger the terrestrial, human population becomes, the greater comes to be all of the resulting problems from it, through which climate and nature are destroyed. |
112. … |
112. And the greater the overpopulation increases in the future, the greater comes to be all of the problems originating from it, which no longer can be brought under control. |
113. … |
113. However this means, that in the future all of the problems of, nature, atmosphere, stretches of water, land, and climate destruction increase further and become even much worse. |
114. … |
114. Yet, in regard to this, still irresponsible know-it-alls, particularly those ones, who in every connection are free of responsibility, the scientists with doctor and professor titles, publically still offer their nonsense and deceive terrestrial humanity with their stupidity, which should be punishable, for their action is criminal. |
115. … |
115. Therefore, because through this false information Earth humans are strengthened, to continue to act and work irresponsibly, as a result of which the terrestrial population increases still further, instead of that they would reduce it from thorough measures of an authoritative and steady birth stop, and accordingly from this, all problems lessen and nature as well as climate can regenerate, which certainly will take a long time, should the Earth human finally come to his senses. |
116. … |
116. However, as long as, the bulk of terrestrial humanity holds onto its dubious freedom, to do and be allowed to do, what it wants, thus to create accordingly also at ones own discretion descendants in abundance as well as to destroy nature, climate and the planet just as they like, as long as they will not change for the better, they will only bring greater problems to themselves. |
117. … |
117. Effective freedom does not mean, to do and be allowed to do, that which corresponds to ones own will, but freedom means, that in an extensive way responsibility is undertaken and carried forth for life, planet, climate, nature, and for all forms of life. |
Billy: … |
Billy: Well roared, lion. Your words are again powerful and good. It is a necessity for me, to publish your message in one of the next bulletins. |
Ptaah: 118. … |
Ptaah: 118. Yet still is to say, that all of the irresponsible doctors and professors, etc., who call themselves scientists and dispute the climate debacle, as a rule, with their insanity earn much money, because they often work greedily for profit for the multi-national industries etc., and through false climate models foreign to the truth draw up analyses for these. |
119. … |
119. Through the minimizing and distortion of real truth, the industrial powers and many others as even also the deniers of truth - as you always say – make a lot of money for themselves. |
120. … |
120. The multi-national industries additionally are able as well to sell, their, excessively over expensive, products to governments, firms, company groups and to private clientele. |
121. … |
121. However, in the same context, this also applies to all of those, who through panic mongering concerning climate change make horrendous profits, because an extreme exaggeration also in this respect – as however also regarding epidemics ands diseases as well as race hate, etc. – leads to enormous profit making. |
122. … |
122. It is fact that the here and now certain climate change, firstly has taken an entirely natural beginning in the context of the arising periodic cycle, which can not be denied. |
123. … |
123. What beyond this, nevertheless since that time has arisen in the irresponsible, destructive influence of Earth humans and their actions concerning climate change, amounts to today around 75 percent, and with respect to that not only CO2 and CFC are to blame, but also methane and all kinds of other toxic materials. |
124. … |
124. And it is a fact, that the current climate revolution in only a few decades has developed to the present position, which represents an unparalleled abnormality, because each natural climate change runs and takes place normally over hundreds and frequently even over many thousands of years. |
125. … |
125. Through the irresponsible an destructive intervention of humans into nature and the atmosphere however, an abnormal climate change has arisen in a few decades and brought disaster over Earth humanity and the planet, as this is not the case through a natural climate transformation. |
126. … |
126. If the disaster, which is caused by Earth humans is analyzed, then are to name all kinds of other factors, which climate change has aroused. |
127. … |
127. There are not only excessively generated CO2, methane gas, CFC and all other toxic substances, but also the spoiling of green spaces, the breaking through of mountains, the hollowing out of the Earth for gas, coal, ore and oil, the damming of rivers into huge lakes, as well as enormous explosions, by which the structure of the planet is shaken. |
128. … |
128. Also the pollution of water, the clearing and destruction of rain forests, the poisoning of the atmosphere and the destruction of forests and meadows as well as the enormous extent of toxic emissions etc., are factors, which do contribute considerably to the destruction of the climate. |
129. … |
129. This then comes to be, because the scientists and responsible ones do not recognize these likewise fundamental facts as wickedly evil. |
130. … |
130. All taken together contribute to the entire malady. |
131. … |
131. Additionally, however still come all of the other problems, which only and alone likewise, as all of the aforementioned, are created by the, be rampant overpopulation and which always becomes more and greater. |
132. … |
132. Enormous problems, which however are not considered and recognized regarding the entirety of scientists and responsible ones as well as commonly by Earth humans. |
133. … |
133. As per the above described subject matter are counted in addition many others, thus, the energy problem, increasing criminality, serious criminal acts, religious hate, scourges, epidemics, pandemics and diseases, hatred of foreigners, and neighbor and race hate. |
134. … |
134. Also, are to mention, wars and rebellions, greed for profit, drinking water shortage, famines, destruction of families, as well as loss of interpersonal relationships, lust for wealth, sexual degeneration, pedophilia, degenerated leisure time pleasures and life endangering sports as well as fanatical enthusiasm, etc., etc. |
Billy: … |
Billy: How right you have it, however all of the know-it-alls, high handed, inexpert, irresponsible and stupid will not listen to you. |
To obtain a copy of Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte - Block 11 visit FIGU Shop.
Original article on They Fly