Excerpt from 466th Official Contact Report

The following unofficial and unauthorized translation by Larry Driscoll, USA, October 05, 2015,
is an excerpt from 466th Official Contact Report, Saturday, June 21, 2008,
from Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports - Block 11, pages 364-366.


German Original English Translation

Auszüge aus dem 466. offiziellen Kontaktgespräch
vom 21. Juni 2008

Excerpts from the 466th official contact conversation
from June 21, 2008

Billy: ...

Billy: However, now I have a question: With your spaceships you actually fly easily and many times the speed of light, though our terrestrial scientists maintain, that this is impossible and a spaceship could never reach this high speed, because the friction with matter, respectively, with material space and the ether prevents this. It can indeed not be electromagnetic radiation, by which you protect yourselves from cosmic influences and the so-called cosmic ether, in order to be able to reach the speed of light and beyond it. Electromagnetic radiation of every kind has in fact the same speed, so thus around 300 000 kilometers per second, therefore it is just not possible, that you could use it for friction prevention, consequently there must be something else, which you are able to use to prevent friction with the ether or any matter. Is there then something totally special, which you are allowed to mention, whereby easily and many times the speed of light is possible for you? Is this a secret, or are you allowed to say something about it? I have just never inquired about this, but others ask me again and again the question regarding this, which I cannot answer.

Ptaah: 8. ...

Ptaah: 8. It is not a secret, and when I speak about it, then I will not reveal anything, with which terrestrial scientists could begin something, because their knowledge and abilities are really still not far enough along, from which they presently could benefit and then wreak havoc.

9. ...

9. So I can say, that we use photons, respectively light particles, to screen off our spaceflight apparatuses against the material and non-material environment.

10. ...

10. Thus we wrap our spaceflight apparatuses in a photon force field and in a time radiation shield and protect them from friction against material space.

11. ...

11. The photons have no weight, but the mass 0, like this is also the case regarding time radiation, because they both are pure energy without a particular medium, which is why they react neutrally against all matter and are repelled by gravitation.

12. ...

12. Therefore we make use of this ourselves, and I mean that we surround our space flight apparatuses in a photon shield and a time radiation shield, from which follows that in no way whatsoever friction can take place exist with material space, which enables us, to reach the speed of light and even very many times higher to exceed it, because no resistance by any matter appears.

13. ...

13. To explain details would be irresponsible, for Earth humans are still not permitted to have these, because they use all special achievements maliciously for weapons systems and war purpose, etc., which also would be the case regarding photon technology.

14. ...

14. And concerning the ether in space, this truthfully does not exist, because with this it concerns a false supposition by terrestrial scientists.

15. ...

15. That, which they presume as ether, is truthfully pure energy, a radiation, and this has no particular medium and therefore no mass.

Billy: ...

Billy: Briefly and succinctly explained. Thank you. Time radiation – could one perhaps also call it tachyon matter, which in fact actually also must be without medium? So the ether does not exist, but only radiation, which is pure energy without mass. But, now a question, as to how you carry out that you shield your spaceships from view and are able to make them invisible against sight and radar etc.? Are you permitted to say something about this? Yet I think, that now finally something is clear to me. When you shield your aircraft by a photon cover, respectively photon protection shield, against all material friction, then it is probably so – so I presume -, that this then always glows, when you have this photon shield switched on. Is this correct?

Ptaah: 16. ...

Ptaah: 16. This corresponds to reality, and the term tachyon matter one can in a certain way consider to be valid, though however it concerns a time vibration, respectively time radiation and has nothing to do in any way with matter.

17. ...

17. And regarding the invisibility of our aircraft:

18. ...

18. Our spaceflight craft, as well as also those, which we use in planetary airspaces, we are actually able to make invisible against any sight of any kind, and I mean in the way, that we use special metal alloys, their base among other things is silver, as shown to you in the metallurgical analysis made in the USA of materials of our aircraft

19. ...

19. The materials for our aircraft and spaceflight craft are converted and superordinated interlocking materials, their composition and manufacture though I cannot mention, however I am allowed to say, that we produce everything through a cold fusion process, like this already Marcel Vogel discovered in the USA has through his metallurgical analysis, when you gave him the metal samples given to you by us for analysis.

20. ...

20. When an aircraft, a spaceflight craft, a human or any object is made invisible, then this occurs as a result such, that light is directed around it.

21. ...

21. The light waves therefore are not reflected, but flow unbroken and unrestricted around the object, so that for all natural or technological sight of any kind, such as radar, etc., it is invisible and simply the background is allowed to be perceived unchanged.

Billy: ...

Billy: Quetzal has recently said, that the internet could break down worldwide as a result of information overloading in two to four years, if the internet technology does not quickly improve and then the danger is averted. He said, that for all of the satellites guided above and for certain things different frequencies must be used, and I mean such that each company has its own frequency, which by the end user presently is especially to be dialed. Also he said about this, that a new frequency area should then be used, which was already used by terrestrial science and technology for other things. He spoke something about terra waves or similar.

Ptaah: 22. ...

Ptaah: 22. They are called terahertz waves or terahertz radiations, which are arranged ubiquitously in all things in a narrow frequency area between infrared and microwaves and actually are already known to terrestrial scientists for several years and are also used by them regarding various things.

23. ...

23. This radiation radiates from all humans and from all other life forms, as well as also from every object and from every material matter.

24. ...

24. This radiation can be very extensively used both for fine technology, electronics and for medicine in the form of healing apparatuses for a great deal of sickness and suffering, as well as also extensively for internet technology and for a great deal of other things.

25. ...

25. Unfortunately however is not to be avoided, as this is usual with Earth humans, that they will also misuse terahertz radiation for weapons and then for military purposes.

26. ...

26. Terahertz radiation technology is already in a progressive extent in existence and is revolutionizing a great deal of things in various connections of earthly human achievements.

27. ...

27. It is however quite certainly inevitable, that everything for weapon-like and military purposes is to be used, which in these ways can find use.

28. ...

28. So it will still be a long time, until the Earth humans turn themselves to love, peace and freedom and then to bring peace to Earth in the future.

Billy: ...

Billy: Unfortunate. And until then the humans of Earth come to be increasingly more foreign, indifferent and brutal to one another and lose more and more their social and sovereign structure, whereby gradually but certainly more and more fall back to the lowest level of a regulated organization. And like I already have written and also drawn attention to the governments of many lands, rapidly increase maladies of all kinds worldwide with the uncontrolled increase of overpopulation. The flood of economic refugees from third world countries increases gradually but surely to flights of peoples and migrations of people, like I have already predicted this decades ago. And although this now actually is at hand, the responsible ones of the world undertake nothing necessary, in order to bring everything under an effective control and to remove the maladies. Similarly is applicable to them in relation to the overpopulation increasing criminality and climate destruction, because all of the responsible ones of the world applaud only with big talk and make promises and suggestions, which they never can fulfill. They are as thick as a two board plank, and are not able to consider, that in the time, during which they want to remove a malady, the human overpopulation again around hundreds of millions or even around a billion increases and as a result all problems, maladies and destructions etc. again increase in relation to the increasing overpopulation and shatter all resolutions and everything becomes still much worse. All become silent about this, that they themselves are not able to carry out the resolution measures, because they try uselessly in their stupidity with great words and impracticable resolutions, to kill a gigantic dinosaur with a fly swatter.

Ptaah: 29. ...

Ptaah: 29. All of your efforts are known to me, which you already since 1951 have undertaken, to draw attention to the governments and official media of the world about all of the threatening maladies, as these increase for decades on the Earth and among the Earth humans, though you however have gotten only ingratitude, silence and ridicule for these warnings.

30. ...

30. However, that your warnings were paid no heed, this now takes its toll.

Billy: ...

Billy: Regrettable for the entire humanity and the planet and its climatic conditions. Unfortunately everything is ignored by the humans of Earth, and I mean also their thoughts and feelings, which regarding evolution are of the greatest meaning, as well as also knowledge and its essence, wisdom. Humans have long forgotten that they must create certain prerequisites for the functioning of their thoughts and feelings, and I mean their ideas, which through certain values come into being and as recognitions, stimuli, motivation, decisiveness, skill, encouragement and comprehensive thoughts, to steer everything. And that they then must hold onto their thoughts and these not simply again permit to dismiss, when which appears to them totally absurd. So they are unable also to face real challenges, but raise fear in themselves from problems and questions as well as actions and conversations, which they imagine to increase. So they do not prompt themselves, to rely on the old ways of their thoughts and feelings, when they learn new ones and are able to realize them into life. So the humans of Earth miss out also, to collect knowledge and wisdom of every conceivable kind, in order then and therefrom to push themselves ahead. Thus they miss everything interesting, always wherever it appears, and which results in that they do not take advantage of inspirations and do not recognize things, which belong together. And that with everything also the surroundings exercises an extremely important roll, which is also not noticed, because the truth is this, that a good social, psychical, physical and in general positive surroundings, effects very progressively and evolutively and brings forward creative thoughts and feelings, while negative, dull and empty surroundings destroy every progress and the evolution of consciousness. Thus it is important, that the humans of Earth surround themselves with interesting, valuable and multiple things as well as with socially, good humans and then also to occupy themselves intellectually and in an empathetic way, because only as a result arise the good and positive thoughts and feelings and create a valuable purpose in life. This occurs already with the first positive thoughts and feelings because if they are cultured in a correct way, then all fear of any kind its dangerous nature is lost as well as all doubt dwindles. And exactly as a result attentiveness and willingness increases, in order to put into its important place a total concentration on the present.


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