About Billy Meier and Nokodemion (Questions to Billy - Answered)
About Billy's Books (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Believing and Religion (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Consciousness and Spirit (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Consciousness-based Abilities (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Consciousness Evolution (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Creation and Pure Spirit Levels (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Creation and the Absolute Absolutum (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Creational Laws (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Death and Dying (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Dreams (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Earth History (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Earth Human Speaks of a Love That He Does Not Know
Fluidal Energies (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Free Will (Questions to Billy - Answered)
General Interest (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Health and Physical Well-Being (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Health Related (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Helping Oneself (Questions to Billy - Answered)
How to Create Peace and Harmony on Earth, compiled by James Moore, England
How We Can Help Ourselves (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Inner Self (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Jehovah, compiled by Larry Driscoll, USA
Laws and Directives of Creation
Meditation (Questions to Billy - Answered)
The Might of Thought (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Miscellaneous (Questions to Billy - Answered)
The Mission (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Mysteries (Questions to Billy - Answered)
New Age Beliefs (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Overall Consciousness Block (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Overpopulation (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Parenthood (Questions to Billy - Answered)
The Plejaren and Other ET's (Questions to Billy - Answered)
A Prophecy Being Fulfilled, or Are Earth Humans Avoiding It?, compiled by Stephen Moore, England
Prophecies and Predictions (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Pure Spirit Levels (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Purpose in Life (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Reincarnation (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Reincarnation (Questions to Billy - Answered), compiled by Corey Müske, USA
Religion (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Science (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Sexuality (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Spirit-form of the Human Being (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Spiritual Teaching (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Talmud Jmmanuel (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Terminology Clarifications (Questions to Billy - Answered)
Original article on They Fly