The following is an excerpt
from Stimme der Wassermannzeit (Voice of the Aquarian Age), No. 103, June 1997,
Hymne an die Schöpfung (Hymn to the Creation) written by Achim Wolf, Germany,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
German Original | English Translation |
Hymne an die Schöpfung |
Hymn to the Creation |
Im Dunkel der Nacht |
In the darkness of the night |
Nur ein Lidschlag |
Just a blink |
Ihre Kraft |
Its power |
Wir sind |
We are |
Die Ewigkeit |
The eternity |
- Achim Wolf |
- Achim Wolf |
This was first published here.
To obtain a copy of Stimme der Wassermannzeit Nr. 103 visit FIGU Shop.
Original article on They Fly