Excerpt from FIGU-Stimme der Wassermannzeit No. 170

The following translation by Renate Stiller, Canada, 2015,
is an excerpt from Stimme der Wassermannzeit (Voice of the Aquarian Age), No. 170, March 2014,
Ein Lächeln (A Smile) written by Silvano Lehmann, Switzerland.


An old saying goes like this: ”Begin each new day with a smile”. We often meet people with grim and careworn faces. They don’t necessarily meet with pleasure and liking in society. One prefers to avoid such faces. Grim faces and a dull gaze do not exactly have an attractive effect on the other person. Whereas a gentle smile has a contagious effect on the world around us.

A smile often acts like a magnet on our fellow human beings, because our own Psyche usually blossoms like a flower through a smile, it is therefore contagious to others and transmits cheer and well-being.

When we have to deal with grumpy and careworn people, their radiation often strains our Psyche and has a negative effect on our well-being. Conversely, happy and open people have an attractive effect on their surroundings and they set the tone for harmony and well-being. When it is honestly meant, hardly anyone can withdraw from a smile.

It is clear that every person carries their problems and concerns with them. But it is also known, that a smile is much less of a strain on the face muscles than a careworn and tense expression, which also results more quickly in lines and wrinkles. A smile activates the production of endorphins in the brain, which reduce physical and mental pain, increase the feeling of well-being and pour out happiness hormones, which immediately have an effect on one’s own Psyche as well as our fellow man.

As already mentioned, every person carries their burdens and heavy loads with them. But pain, grief, sorrow and worries can often be eased with a smile. A neutral-positive mindset has an immediate effect on one’s own Psyche and therefore also affects one’s surroundings. Gloomy and negative thoughts impede creativity as well as evolution. However, happy and positive thoughts support man’s evolution, and he is thereby open to newness. Since man is a social and gregarious being, he influences his surroundings and particularly also his fellow man with his thoughts. Positive thoughts lead a society to a harmonious living together. However, envy, hate, jealousy and many other evils lead mankind into wars, conflicts and into misery. Equanimity, harmony and inner peace facilitate attention and humanity, and the way of evolution is thereby more clearly recognizable.

We lay a good foundation for our progress and our evolution with a daily smile and also fulfill the creational plan with it.


This was first published here.


The following translation by Adam Dei Rocini, Australia, 2014,
is an excerpt from Stimme der Wassermannzeit (Voice of the Aquarian Age), No. 170, March 2014,
Gewohnheiten (Habits) written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation



Gewohnheiten können sowohl ein Segen als auch ein Fluch für den Menschen sein, denn sie sind stark in ihm verankert. Es sind Neigungen, die oft seiner Wesensart entsprechen, welche er schon seit seiner Kindheit pflegt. Was sich der Mensch seit seiner frühen Erziehung angeeignet hat, pflegt er weiter, und so können sich Denk- Handlungs- und Vorgehensweisen als Gewohnheiten einschleifen und festsetzen.

Habits can be both a blessing as well as a curse for the human being, because they are strongly anchored in him/her. They are penchants which often correspond to his/her form of nature, which he/she cultivates from childhood. That which the human being has acquired since his/her early education, he/she further cultivates, and thus modes of thought, deed and action are able to seat and fix themselves as habits.

Beispielsweise hat der eine Mensch gelernt, immer systematisch vorzugehen, während der andere unbekümmert alles zu Erledigende häufelt und aufstapelt. Ersterer hat es sich zur Gewohnheit gemacht, Ordnung zu halten, seine Arbeiten und anstehende Dinge fortlaufend zu erledigen, und daher wird es ihm leichtfallen, Zeit für anderes und Weiterführendes zu finden. Der andere Mensch wird zeit seines Lebens mühevoll versuchen, seine aufgeschobenen Arbeiten und Vorhaben abzubauen, derweil sich immer weiter Erfordernisse des Alltags anhäufen und er folglich allem stetig hinterherhinkt. Die Folge dieser Gewohnheit ist absehbar: Es bleibt keine Zeit für anderes; die Freude am Tun wird weniger, bis nur noch Mühe, Unlust und Frustration zurückbleiben. Auch wenn es diesen Menschen ärgert und er weiss, woran sein selbstgemachter Stress liegt, gelingt es ihm - wenn überhaupt - nur schwer, sich von seiner üblichen Handlungs- und Vorgehensweise zu lösen und sich eine förderliche Gewohnheit anzueignen, die ihm sein Leben erleichtern würde. Oftmals verharrt er lieber in alten Mustern, denn eine Veränderung würde doch nur Anstrengung und Mehraufwand bedeuten. Daher ist es illusorisch zu glauben, er könne dann, wenn er einmal mehr Zeit hat, z.B an Ferien-, Frei- und Sonntagen und erst recht nach seiner Pensionierung, alles das tun, was er schon immer gern tun wollte. Auch das entspricht wohl eher einer Wunschvorstellung, denn aus unklaren, vagen Vorstellungen können keine klare Handlungen und Wirkungen hervorgehen.

For example, the one human being has learnt to advance always systematically, whilst the other recklessly heaps up and stockpiles everything which is to be carried out. The former has made it a habit to keep order, to progressively carry out his/her work and things which are to be done, and therefore it will be easy for him/her to find time for other things and further things. For all his/her life, the other human being will laboriously attempt to reduce his/her deferred work and undertakings, while requirements of the everyday life continue to accumulate and consequently he/she constantly lags behind everything. The result of this habit is foreseeable: There remains no time for anything else; the joy of doing becomes less; until only effort, disinclination and frustration remain. Even when it annoys this human being and he/she knows what his/her self-made stress is due to, he/she succeeds – if at all – only with difficulty, to break away from his/her usual mode of deed and action and to acquire an advantageous habit, which would make his/her life easier. Oftentimes he/she prefers to persist in old patterns, because a change would just amount to effort and extra time. Therefore it is illusory to believe that, once he/she has more time, he/she could then do everything which he/she always would have wanted to do, for example, on holidays, days off and Sundays and not to mention after his/her retirement. This also more than likely corresponds to wishful thinking, because no clear deeds and effects are able to go forth from unclear, vague imaginings.

Unliebsame Gewohnheiten können durchbrochen werden, indem der Mensch gründlich darüber nachdenkt, wie er sich im Alltag verhält, wann und wo er in das alte gewohnte Muster verfällt, wie und was er daran ändern kann und sich dann ein klares Ziel sehr sorgfältig aufbaut, dieses konsequent verfolgt und dabei immer achtsam bleibt. Im Geisteslehrbrief Nr. 14 ist auf Seite 142 über die Gewohnheit folgendes nachzulesen: "Vom Standpunkt der Geisteslehre und somit vom Standpunkt der Wahrheit aus gesehen, ist die Gewohnheit nichts anderes als das automatische in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit Treten von ideen, die sich dann verwirklichen. Je öfter der Mensch eine Idee bewusst in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit stellt, um so leichter gelingt dies und um so präziser verwirklicht sie sich."

Unwelcome habits are able to be broken, by the human being thoroughly pondering how he/she behaves on a daily basis, when and where he/she falls into the old habitual pattern, how and what he/she can change about that and then very thoroughly building up for himself/herself a clear Ziel*, consequently following this and thereby always remaining heedful. The following is to be read about the habit, in the spiritual teaching lesson No.14 on page 142: "Seen from the standpoint of the spiritual teaching and consequently from the standpoint of the truth, the habit is nothing other than the automatic entering of ideas into the centre of the attention, which then come to fruition. The more often the human being puts an idea consciously into the centre of the attention, the easier this succeeds and the more precisely it comes to fruition."

* The term "Ziel" must not be translated as "goal" or "aim" or "target", because this does not correspond to the meaning of Ziel. Goal, that is to say, gol, according to Billy, is descended from the Lyrian-Germanic term "Gol", which means goal. Gol, that is to say, goal, is therefore "put into a goal". In the context of the consciousness "Ziel" has the meaning of "fulfilment". In other areas it first must be understood exactly what is meant with the word "Ziel".


This was first published here.


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