Excerpt from OM - Kanon 8

The following unofficial, preliminary translation by Vivienne Legg, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 8:4 Am Anfang war die Eiform der Shöpfungspirale, hervorgebracht durch de Idee der Urschöpfung.

Canon 8:4 In the beginning was the egg-form of the Creation spiral, brought forth through the idea of the original Creation.

Kanon 8:5 Die Schöpfungsspirale war geistige Urform, winzig klein und nur von der Grösse eines Flohs.

Canon 8:5The Creation spiral was spiritual original-form, tiny, and only the size of a flea.

Kanon 8:6 In der Spirale aber rotierete und pulsierete die Geistenergieform der werdenden Schöpfung, gewaltig und ausdehnungsgewillet.

Canon 8:6 But in the spiral rotated and pulsed the spirit energy form of the emerging Creation, forceful and willed towards expanding.

Kanon 8:7 Die Energieform wuchs und wurde zur geballeten Kraft, und explodierete in grellstem Blitzefeuer.

Canon 8:7 The energy form grew and became a balled power and exploded in blazing lightning fire.

Kanon 8:8 Ein Sohar zwischen den zahllosen Universen des Absolutumraumes.

Canon 8:8 A Zohar* between the countless universes of the absolute space….

*In the Talmud Jmmanuel, Zohar is defined as, the radiant splendor of spiritual-Creational energy.


This was first published here.


The following unofficial, preliminary translation by Dyson Devine, Australia,
is an excerpt from OM written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier,
contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.


German Original English Translation

Kanon 8:78 ...

Canon 8:78 Life proceeded along its path all the way to humankind, which evolved and became established as a separate, independent and the highest-developed life form of Creation, originating from the Ur*-substances of the Earth and the life within it in a substance-bonding form.

Kanon 8:79 ...

Canon 8:79 It established itself as human life in a substance-bonding form of the Earth and of the already existing floral and faunal life, without possessing a direct species-link with floral and faunal life forms.

*Ur=archetypal, original


This was first published here.


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